Escalation Procedures Techniques for Customer Support

Escalation procedures form an integral part of customer service, serving as the extra measure to ensure customer satisfaction and a prompt resolution of customer issues. There are various techniques that can be used to quickly resolve a customer's issue and prevent further conflict or escalation.

The main techniques used in customer support escalation procedures include communication, problem definition, conflict resolution, multi-level problem solving and data gathering. These techniques are used to quickly isolate, diagnose and resolve an issue.

Communication is the most critical technique used in customer service escalation procedures. It is important that customer service representatives stay in constant communication with customers. This ensures a clear and effective understanding of the customers' issues, expectations and required solutions.

Problem definition is the next step in escalating a customer's concern. It involves determining the exact nature of the customer's problem and understanding the context in which it occurs. Defining the problem helps determine the best way to resolve the issue in an efficient and effective manner.

Conflict resolution is an important technique to resolve conflicts between customers and customer service representatives. This involves presenting both sides of the issue, understanding the positions of both sides and finding a mutually acceptable resolution. Conflicts are often resolved through effective communication and problem solving.

Multi-level problem solving involves using tools and techniques such as brainstorming and root cause analysis to isolate and diagnose problems. This helps determine the most appropriate resolution, either through technical fixes or process adjustments.

Data gathering is also used to diagnose a problem and develop an appropriate resolution. Customer service representatives use data gathered from customers, technical specifications and past experiences to diagnose and resolve issues, in an accurate and timely manner.

These techniques are useful in customer service escalation procedures as they enable customer service representatives to quickly determine the root cause of a customer's issues, develop an appropriate resolution and prevent further escalation of a customer's concern. Examples of how these techniques are used include:

• Communication: Customer service representatives communicate with customers to obtain detailed information about the customer's issue. This helps determine the exact problem, which leads to an appropriate resolution.

• Problem Definition: Customer service representatives use problem definition to identify the exact nature of the customer's problem and understand the context in which it occurs. This helps determine the best way to resolve the issue.

• Conflict Resolution: When there is a conflict between the customer and the customer service representative, conflict resolution techniques can be used to present both sides of the issue and find a mutually acceptable resolution.

• Multi-Level Problem Solving: Multi-level problem solving techniques such as brainstorming and root cause analysis are used to isolate and diagnose complex problems and develop an appropriate resolution.

• Data Gathering: Data gathering techniques are used to collect information from customers, technical specifications and past experiences to diagnose and resolve customer issues in an accurate and timely manner.

These techniques are essential in customer service escalation procedures as they help quickly resolve customer issues and prevent further escalation. They enable customer service representatives to accurately diagnose and resolve customer issues in an effective and timely manner.

Content Moderation Outsourcing for Apps

The usage of content moderation services has increased significantly in the past decade with the rise of digital media. Content moderation outsourcing for apps is now commonplace for companies of all sizes and across many industries. Content moderation is essentially the practice of controlling the content on websites, apps, and other online platforms to ensure that it stays within legal, ethical, and professional standards. It is the responsibility of the moderators to filter out potentially harmful or illegal content such as nudity, hate speech, and scams. Companies that use content moderation outsource the process to third parties to handle the content screened in order to ensure quality control and keep costs low. In this article, we will explore the benefits and challenges of content moderation outsourcing for apps.

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Content Moderation Outsourcing for Apps Company

Content moderation outsourcing for apps is becoming increasingly popular for businesses due to the complexity of the task and the time-consuming nature of the process. Content moderation refers to the practice of reviewing user-generated content (UGC) for accuracy, safety, and overall compliance. While content moderation can be done in-house, many businesses are opting for outsourcing for cost-efficiency and flexibility.

When it comes to outsourcing content moderation for apps, there are several factors that should be taken into consideration. Here are a few of the main factors to consider.

1. Quality: The main goal of content moderation is to ensure that all UGC meets quality standards. This means that the content should be accurate and not contain any offensive language or images. It’s important to find a content moderation provider that has a proven track record of providing quality content moderation services.

2. Cost: Cost is an important factor to consider when outsourcing content moderation. Some providers offer lower rates, which can help to save money in the long run. However, it’s important to make sure that the provider is providing the quality of service you need.

3. Data Security: All content moderation providers must adhere to the latest data protection policies. Make sure that the provider you choose is compliant with all relevant GDPR legislation, and that they have stringent security protocols in place.

4. Turnaround Time: The time it takes for a moderation provider to review your content should also be taken into consideration. A longer turnaround time could have a negative impact on the quality of your content, so it’s important to find a provider that offers a fast turnaround time.

5. Scalability: As your app grows and you receive more user feedback, you may need to scale up your content moderation services. It’s important to find a provider that can scale with you as you grow your app and are able to handle more content.

By considering these factors, you can be sure that you find the best content moderation provider for your app. Content moderation outsourcing for apps can be a great way to ensure that everything is kept safe, accurate and up-to-date, so it’s important to take the time to find the right provider for your needs.

How to Choose a Content Moderation Outsourcing for Apps Company

Finding the right content moderation outsourcing partner for apps is essential for the success of your business. When looking for the right partner, there are several key considerations to bear in mind.

1. Reputation

Look for a content moderation outsourcing provider with a good reputation. Check customer reviews - negative reviews are likely to indicate problems, while glowing ones may tell you a lot about the quality of service and customer satisfaction.

2. Services

It is important to ensure the content moderation outsourcing provider offers the range of services that you need. Check the list of services offered and the quality of their delivery.

3. Flexibility

You need to ensure that the provider is flexible and able to adapt to your changing needs. This is especially important if you are using the provider to manage high volumes of content or need to meet tight deadlines.

4. Cost

Of course, cost is an important factor when choosing a content moderation outsourcing partner. Ensuring you get the best deal for you is essential for keeping your costs reasonable.

5. Technology

Technology is an important factor when it comes to content moderation outsourcing. Ensure that the provider is using the most up-to-date technologies and can handle your content efficiently.

6. Support

Finally, ensure that the provider can offer good customer service and support. Check the feedback from other customers to get an idea of the quality of their support.

By considering these key points when selecting a content moderation outsourcing provider, you can be confident that you are getting the right partner for your business. Check the reviews, list of services, support and cost to ensure you are getting the best deal for your outsourcing needs.

Content Moderation Outsourcing for Apps Tips

Content moderation is a critical part of maintaining a successful online presence for any business, and outsourcing your content moderation can be the perfect solution for ensuring your online presence stays professional and secure. As more organizations outsource content moderation for their online apps, there’s an increasing need for team managers to understand and optimize their content moderation outsourcing processes.

Here are a few tips for managing a content moderation outsourcing team for apps:

1. Establish Clear Guidelines: Establishing clear guidelines for what content should or should not be allowed on your app’s platform can help you ensure that content moderation policies are being followed consistently. This will help your content moderation team easily identify content that needs to be removed or modified.

2. Train and Educate Content Moderators: Content moderation can be a tricky process, and it’s important to ensure that your content moderators are properly trained and educated in content moderation practices. Providing training and education to your content moderation team will help make sure they’re aware of any policies and guidelines that need to be followed for your app’s platform.

3. Monitor and Respond to Feedback: A great way to ensure that your content moderation team is up to the task is to monitor and respond to customer feedback. As customer feedback can provide an insight into how users are reacting to the content moderation efforts, it’s important to consider any potential customer complaints and to take them into account when making content moderation decisions.

4. Maintain Regular Communication: Maintaining regular communication with your content moderation team will help ensure that any needs or concerns are addressed in a timely manner. Regular communication will also help create a sense of collaboration amongst your team, which is essential for ensuring that content moderation tasks are completed correctly and efficiently.

5. Monitor Performance: An effective way to ensure that your content moderation team is doing its job correctly is to monitor their performance. Tracking how many submissions they’re moderating and how quickly they’re responding to customer complaints can help you determine if your content moderation team is operating at its peak performance level.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage your content moderation outsourcing team and ensure that your online app is always up to the highest standards. By maintaining clear guidelines, properly educating and training your content moderators, and monitoring your team’s performance, you can ensure that your app’s platform is protected and secure.


1. What are the advantages of content moderation outsourcing for apps?
Answer: Content moderation outsourcing for apps can provide a cost-effective and scalable solution to managing user-generated content, thereby increasing efficiency and improving customer experience. It can also help app owners address the increasingly complex content moderation needs of their users, such as monitoring for spam, hate speech, adult content, illegal/copyrighted material, and other inappropriate content.

2. What are the different types of content moderation services available for apps?
Answer: Different types of content moderation services for apps include manual moderation, automated moderation, and hybrid moderation, which combines manual and automated tasks. Manual content moderation typically involves reviewing and classifying content in a specific manner, while automated content moderation typically involves using machine learning or AI to detect and filter content.

3. How much does content moderation outsourcing cost?
Answer: The cost of content moderation services varies depending on the number of users/content that need to be moderated, the tools used, and the level of service required. Generally, content moderation outsourcing can help app owners save money in the long run by providing a cost effective and scalable solution for managing user-generated content.

Content moderation outsourcing for apps is a growing need for companies that must manage thousands of posts, messages and images every day. It provides organizations the benefit of being able to respond to inappropriate user-generated content quickly, effectively and within its budget. Furthermore, outsourcing content moderation allows app creators to focus on developing better product features and growing their user base instead of having to allocate resources to negative content control. To conclude, we believe that content moderation outsourcing for apps is a cost-efficient and time-saving tool for companies that need to maintain a safe and civil user environment.

Is Your E-Commerce Business in Need of a Help Desk?

It is important to keep in mind that not every e-tailer needs e-commerce helpdesk software. I dislike the fact that it's seldom (if ever) free, that it takes time for teams to set it up, and that it limits how they can work as a team. It can sometimes consume a lot of resources, and that's unfortunate.


Some of the time, but not all of the time.


A help desk is likely to save you time, money, and a lot of headache when it comes to typing on a computer keyboard. It depends on your team's ability to serve its customers well if it will be able to do that for you.


Do you know what e-commerce help desk software is?

In addition to becoming your customer's point of contact, a help desk facilitates all of your customer service needs. An e-commerce company may need to gather information from a variety of sources including:


You will receive emails from your online store on a regular basis

Marketplace messages such as those from Amazon and eBay

Keeping a record of telephone calls

Live chat sessions

All your support records can end up in the same place, so you can help all your customers from one browser window.


In addition to this, help desks also come with tools to make the process of receiving support easier. It is possible, for example, to create a library of saved replies to save yourself from the frustration of retyping the same reply 20 times a day. You have never been asked to sacrifice your carpal tunnel syndromes to please your customers, have you?


Hopefully now you have a better understanding of why help desk software is important. Are you really in need of it?


You will have to learn a new system if you want to use the help desk. As a result, it requires a significant amount of time and effort which your team might not be enthusiastic about investing.


Some of the tools included may not be needed by you as well. It is not necessary that you have all of the bells and whistles included in the package.


Before investing your time and money into any project, you need to ask yourself the following five questions. Generally, the more frequently you answer yes, the more likely it is that you will benefit from an ecommerce help desk in your company.


  1. Would it be helpful if multichannel support was made easier?

What is the total number of support channels that you use? Certainly email is one of them, isn't it? What about the eBay message system? How about Amazon's messaging system? What about chatting? Any other services?


When you are providing multichannel support, you are dealing with more than one customer. This is a common occurrence among e-commerce businesses. In the past, the different channels have tended to be isolated from the rest of the business, as they had different interfaces, passwords, sets of tools, and message archives.


The following issues can arise as a result of separating each channel into its own silo:


Support inconsistency across different channels (which can result in 73% of your customers leaving you)

It is difficult to prioritize requests

As a result of the need for redundant systems to be created and maintained

Data collection and analysis problems with support data

Employees who serve multiple channels may require longer training times

Agents switch screens from one screen to another and back again, resulting in slow responses

With a help desk, everything is gathered into one location, eradicating all the problems mentioned above. With the help of upgrades and apps that can be added to help desks, they can support email by default and can integrate other channels. With Help Scout's Beacon you can add live chat, while with ChannelReply you can integrate with eBay and Amazon.


  1. Can you save time on replies if you have a help desk?

It is estimated that over 40% of the emails your customers send to you are expected to be answered within six hours. Most companies, however, fall far short of meeting this requirement. In fact, the average response time has been reported to be over 12 hours according to a 2018 study by SuperOffice.


Consider the support tools you are currently using. In your opinion, are they capable of meeting the response time expectations of your customers? If not, would it be possible to utilize them more effectively?


Let's take the example of Amazon. It allows you to save answers to common questions, such as what to say when you don't know what to say, and then insert them with a click of the mouse, much like a help desk response. What do you think of the use of tools like these? Are you taking full advantage of them, or are you ignoring them?



It may only take you a few hours to learn and set up the tools available to you, but that small amount of time each week could be saved. If you are planning on going to the hardware store, make sure that you know what you have in the shed.


Check whether a help desk would be a worthwhile addition to what you already have by understanding what you already have. Most help desks will allow you to:


You can save replies (sometimes referred to as email templates or prepared responses) on your computer.

It is possible to set up automatic responses, reminders, and notifications

Managing conversations by assigning them to specific agents

Using tools like Workflows, you can automate management tasks that are repetitive

There aren't many other support systems on the market that offer so many time-saving features. Help desks in addition to providing these tools across all your support channels, not just one, make these tools available to you.


Do you think these tools would make your company's customer service easier, or do you have all the tools you need to be able to respond as fast as possible?


  1. How do you know which customer was helped by which person?

Have you ever looked at a teammate’s response and wondered, “Who wrote this?Have you ever looked at a teammate’s response and wondered, “Who wrote this?Do you ever find yourself looking at a teammate's response and wondering "Who wrote this", or "Who are you?". Maybe the responder was less than professional. Maybe the author knows something that you don't, and you'd like to pick their brain on some information. Regardless of what happened, the one thing you need to know is who sent that message, but you won't be able to find out.


It is not uncommon for some support systems (like eBay's) to not track who wrote which response. In some cases, agents may be able to write in a signature, but this is very time consuming and will lead to inconsistencies.


Help desks provide separate accounts allowing you to keep track of who wrote what response when, and which member of your team wrote it. Furthermore, they allow users to view all of the responses a given agent has provided. This eliminates the need for guesswork.


Help with Scout Reports

  1. Do you have a lot of support records scattered around?

When you're trying to collect data on support, it can feel like chasing marbles down a hill. It seems that each time you pick one up, others roll further away as more requests come rolling in like bowling pins. If you have to deal with multichannel support, it gets even more frustrating as the callers bounce down side roads and skitter into the bush. It may seem like a good idea to use a spreadsheet like the one below at first, but there will be a very short period of time when it will not be able to keep up.


Messy reports

Listed below are some warning signs that your team might be chasing too many marbles:


A customer writes in regarding a previous request but the agent cannot locate it and must ask the customer to re-explain the issue

It is not uncommon for team members to ask each other for information they are not able to find themselves

There are large-scale problems that often go unnoticed for too long because it is difficult to identify patterns

It is impossible to provide a statistic to the support manager when the manager is asked for one by the manager

If you only provide support to your customers using one email address, you might have little trouble. 

There are some help desks that will put your marbles in a nice, level box so they can't run away from you. The customer service department is all located in one place, so all your records are in one place as well.


Some help desks even give you the choice of sorting your data points based on deep search options. Whether it was an agent or a customer, they made it easy for you to find all of the messages from a particular person. A more advanced feature is the Custom Fields feature, which allows you to track details unique to your business, such as SKUs and shipment tracking IDs.


If you don't want to lose your marbles, then do anything it takes to keep them.


  1. Do you feel that a lack of information prevents you from making important decisions?

Well, you've gathered your basic information, now what? Now that you have your information, what next? How do you proceed? Can you use those data to make any sense, or will you have to spend some time working with Excel and PowerPoint?


Messy reports

It is possible to gather information and crunch numbers with help desk reporting tools if you have enough time. It is possible for some of them to show details such as your busiest times and days of the week, average first reply times, and customer satisfaction rates.


Smart decisions are powered by this actionable data. If you do this, you will know when your customers are in need of your help, where there is room for improvement, and whether new strategies are working. In case you're sick of making decisions in the dark or spending hours on spreadsheets, a help desk can ... well ... help you out.


For each company, the value of an e-commerce help desk will be different. As a team, you need to decide if you are going to spend money and time on this software, or are you going to use it as an effective way to communicate with your customers?

The Best Way To Outsource Support For Your E-Commerce Store

The growth of e-commerce platforms and stores is accelerating at a rapid rate.


Research has readily predicted that e-commerce's convenience and accessibility would increase for the year 2020 as a result of the convenience and accessibility of online shopping. Nevertheless, unavoidable events have led to an even higher volume of internet purchases, resulting in consumers turning to the internet for almost every good or service they can think of.


Businesses have been left scrambling to hire more employees, to beef up production and shipping capabilities, in response to this situation. In the case of a small to mid-sized enterprise (SME), however, it is very difficult to meet all of those objectives.


It's for this reason that one of them needs to be outsourced. Fortunately, just as e-commerce is growing, so is the market for outsourcing customer service, and we'll explain why and how you should use these services.


Customer service is an essential part of any business

There has been nothing that has showed the importance of e-commerce stores more than the extreme events that have taken place in 2020 that have kept countless consumers homebound. In the world of the knowing consumer, online window shopping has created an entirely new kind of consumer.


In today's world, shoppers are now scouring the Internet for every bit of information they can find before making a decision to purchase a product or service from you. First, they determine which products best suit their needs, then they decide where to buy these products from. In spite of having the majority of the information at hand, it's likely that they'll still contact support if they need more confirmation. 


Online shopping - despite the fact that it is now commonplace - still poses quite a lot of doubt and risk to consumers. 


There is no way for them to determine the legitimacy of a SME without seeing a physical store or physically feeling a product to know its quality. Instead, genuine, human customer service and reviews are the only way they can tell whether an SME is legit.


In this regard, we are sure that you can spare a little time to make sure that the customer service you provide is exceptional. You are asking these folks to give you their payment information based solely on what they see on their screens including images and text.


What are the benefits of providing effective customer support?

Assiduously addressing individual concerns and establishing trust among your clientele will benefit you in the long run.


Guests who get in touch with us receive excellent customer service that is personalized for them. There's a directness to this message, it's responsive, and it's written in a way that's easy to understand by the intended audience. 


As a result of talking with an empathic representative, the customer experience can be improved and possible business opportunities can be opened. There is considerable evidence that positive customer experiences have the power to convince consumers to commit to buying your product at the last minute. It is true that customer service is not an all-or-nothing proposition. 


Additionally, this system has also been shown to turn your clients into brand advocates, get them to spend more in your online (even physical) stores, as well as let them become loyal customers who will recommend you to other people.


As crucial as customer service can be to the future of your SME, it is crucial that you devote more time to customer service than simply checking Facebook messages in between work breaks. What if you simply cannot devote time to it? Then it is a good idea to outsource it.


Here are some reasons why you should outsource your e-commerce store's support to a third party

The following list provides more than a few compelling reasons why outsourcing might be a good decision for your business. These reasons include: 


The management of your customer support team is taking up too much of your time.

If you have a dedicated customer service team, of course, this assumes that you even have one. Small businesses and start-ups may typically have a “support team” made up of one or two people or “whichever core member is available at the time.”


This practice becomes unsustainable as demand for your products grows. It is possible for various members to attempt to balance customer inquiries with their own workload, eventually leading to oversight. The worst thing that can happen to an e-commerce company is a missed order or deadline.


Also, when it comes to e-commerce stores, customers don't give much thought to operating hours. During the day and in the evening, your customers expect to be able to contact your customer support team. Outsourcing support and covering those off hours will not only keep your customers happy, but it will also ensure that your in-house team is well rested and at their best for the day.


Having employees in-house takes time and is expensive.

It might be difficult, if not physically impossible, for you to interview candidates and onboard them now, even if you decide to scale your human resources. 


For the inexperienced, it's not easy to switch from a client support system to a remote service system, even if you hire individual freelancers.


Additionally, the creation of training modules and additional training add to your workload. What should you do? Hire a full-service outsourcing company. The company will take care of all of these activities for you.


The volume of orders is on the rise.

As consumers turn more and more to e-commerce stores and online orders increase, it is a better time than ever to scale and expand your business model.


A dedicated team of customer service outsourcers allows you to better serve your customers and frees you up to plan and execute new strategies to grow your business.


The ability to think ahead helps you to rise above the competition. 


There is a decrease in volumes.

When business is slow, outsourcing can also be considered. To save on costs, outsourcing support, technical support, and even billing may be the answer if volumes decrease significantly.


Is there a possibility of short-term decreases? You can outsource for them as well. Outsourced work usually has a predetermined duration, as is the case with most projects. It is usually much cheaper to hire outsourced staff for a busy holiday season than it is to hire permanent employees. Particularly if you do not expect the same level of demand afterwards.


The good news is that positive customer experiences now will result in fewer customer support calls in the future. 



trusting your brand and assurance, consumers might skip the additional inquiries and purchase right away, saving you time and money.


Outsourcing companies: what you can do

In essence, outsourcing means letting a third party manage every inquiry that comes your way - ideally one that specializes in customer service. 


In both situations, it is important to find a trustworthy partner.


Searching for offshore companies can lead you to companies that have experience in the industry at a lower price. Including all the necessary support services and whole teams in their packages, IntelligentBee is an example of a local company that offers this service. Your human staff might even be relieved of some of their responsibilities by chatbots!


What to look for in an outsourcing company 

However, one thing that needs to be emphasized is that budget alone does not determine which outsourcing company is best for your e-commerce store. To get a quote, you should ask yourself what your current needs are.


What steps have you taken to ensure your brand guidelines and voice are followed by your team? Is someone hired to handle holiday orders quickly? Can your long-term goals be met with a team you can trust 100%, even with little supervision from you? 


If you are looking for outsourcing companies, you can find them in the same way customers find your products.


Use Google or a social media platform to find them. Research company prices, reviews, and services. Try out their customer support to find out how well they work and how quickly they respond, and find the right outsourcing company with the same discerning eye of an informed online shopper.

Consider outsourcing your customer service for e-commerce

It is generally agreed that the last couple of years have seen the rise of an ever increasing number of e-commerce portals, like Amazon, Ebay, etc., all over the world.

It is worth noting that the new-age businesses founded by young technology entrepreneurs have expanded into almost every possible category of products and services, including travel booking, digital wallets, appointment scheduling, grocery shopping, electronics, and so on.

Many e-commerce companies are currently providing customers with almost every single need that they can possibly have at the moment.

However, despite the fact that there are a number of these new-age enterprises which have achieved “cult status” in their nations of origin with multiple billion dollar variations, there have also been a number of them which have flopped.

Figures showing the growth of the e-commerce industry

In this highly competitive industry, newspaper reports and studies confirm that failures are fairly higher than successes in regards to this industry.

It is true that virtually all e-commerce firms work in a similar way on a basic level. There are 2 ways in which they operate, either they operate on an open market model or they execute their own inventory-based model.

In spite of the fact that e-commerce businesses tend to follow a more or less similar business model, how do successful ventures differ from unsuccessful ones?

Although technology is a non-negotiable factor that determines business success, experts think that after-sales service and customer support are some of the most significant factors that determine the success of e-commerce businesses.

The success of any e-commerce business depends in no small part on getting prompt and effective support from its customer care team.

As a result of consumer activism's recent resurgence, individuals with dissatisfaction can greatly damage a company's reputation by updating the widely embraced social media platforms with just a single comment.

Businesses looking to achieve a competitive edge in this extremely competitive market should adopt the best practices of client relations management in order to aid them in achieving this objective.

Therefore, I would like to say the following:

How Should We Outsource Support for E-commerce? When Should We Outsource Support For E-commerce?

The e-commerce sales cycle

Outsourcing this service is a tactical decision that needs to be taken very carefully and should be done only after careful consideration. As we said in the previous section of this post, in this section we will be highlighting five actions where outsourcing of customer service makes sense, specifically when it comes to E-commerce.

  1. If you are starting a new company.

Assume for a moment that you are running a startup business. In the current situation, you have a small team of employees and you wish to focus on the core functions of your business for the time being.

Depending on your client base, you may be able to handle all customer service inquiries coming to your company just fine if the number of clients is still somewhat small. It's likely that you will require more and more time to devote to your clients as the number of clients increases.

Research has found that 45% of Business to Consumer (B2C) clients are more likely to make a purchase after an impressive customer experience. There are 62% of businesses who are buying from other businesses, which is a stunning percentage rate.

Your startup venture's success in its early stages can be directly attributed to the quality of customer care service you offer. Besides the channel you use for your customer service service, and the language that your clients speak, how difficult it is for you to provide service to them.

You might want to think about outsourcing if you have clients based in different countries, or if you use several channels to communicate.

It is crucial for any new business to receive a good level of customer feedback so that they can continually improve their products and services. Therefore, once you outsource, make sure you pick a partner who passes this feedback on to you, so you remain informed at all times.

  1. You might require customer service in several languages if you need it.

Clients from all over the world might be a part of your client base. You need customer service agents who are able to speak your customer's language if you want your client to have a great experience.

In the event that the queries will come in different languages and the volume of each language will be comparatively low, you should consider partnering with an outsourcing company that can provide you with a shared account representative.

This means that these agents can work on several projects at the same time, thereby reducing costs per project that are passed on to you, the customer.

Additionally, when you partner with a shared agency, you'll be able to cover a variety of languages within the same budget as hiring one agent in-house.

  1. In case you need multi-channel customer service.

As far as customer care is concerned, every single channel that is utilized is treated as a separate discipline. A social media channel is a bit different from a phone call, and an email is very different from a chat.

Channels require their own set of skills, as well as their own infrastructure. You should consider working with an outsourcing company well versed in providing support on this new channel, if you have plans to integrate a new customer care channel into the existing offering of your business.

You will be able to save time and money when you avoid investing in new infrastructure, as well as training new representatives for that specific channel.

  1. If you need flexibility.

You may want to think about partnering with an outsourcing company if you anticipate large fluctuations in customer service.

Coaching and assisting representatives for short periods of time makes little sense.

In the event that your projects incoming volume drops, some of these agents can be re-trained to work on other projects, as various outsourcing partners already employ shared agents.

It is easy to scale up the number of agents once the volume returns to normal so that no call goes unanswered.

  1. Get skilled individuals fast if you need them.

To be a customer care service representative, one needs to have a certain set of skills. If you want to be relied upon to represent your firm, you need to make sure that the individuals directly involved with your clients are outstanding at their jobs.

If you work with an outsourcing partner with experience in hiring customer service agents, you can be sure that they know what to look for in a new hire.

E-commerce companies can build their own customer support functions, but most prefer to outsource these functions to experienced outsourcing partners. An e-commerce company benefits from this simple arrangement in several ways.


Here are a few benefits summarized.

  1. They get to focus on what they do best.

Clearly, e-commerce companies benefit from engaging third-party customer support services by reserving their internal resources for core functions such as analytics, data mining, marketing and sales, accounting, engineering, and more.

  1. They are able to obtain industry-specific services.

In order to provide customer support to businesses engaged in e-commerce, it is necessary to adopt modern technology equipment and acquire a specialized skill set.

More than that, e-commerce marketplaces need a multi-channel customer care support contact center that includes SMS, e-mail support, live chat, and voice calls so as to provide a seamless experience to their clients.

A company that focuses on providing call center services, for example, will possess the necessary tools and resources to provide such services flawlessly to its customers, improving customer satisfaction scores overall.

  1. They get to access specialized talents.

It is a dedicated function that requires experienced professionals to ensure that it is well managed.

E-commerce firms can benefit from outsourcing this function since they can gain access to well-experienced customer service agents without having to hire and train individuals internally.

  1. The customers will be provided with round the clock customer service.

The 24*7 customer support helps to take care of the customer's questions and complaints in a prompt manner, which improves the brand's perception and results in an increase in business.

In addition to these services, a number of the customer care service providers also ensure that they manage feedbacks and customer reviews across all social media platforms and client networks.

Across all social networking platforms, these service providers train their employees how to track client feedback, respond to their questions, and make clients feel valued.

In this new era of social networking, where if one tweet or status update goes wrong, it may have a detrimental impact on the ability of e-commerce firms to generate revenue from their businesses, it is vital that e-commerce firms maintain their reputations.

They are well trained to provide the best experience to their clients by combining empathy with knowledge in order to understand the issues that a client might be dealing with after purchasing a particular product or availing certain services.

A customer support service provider's employees are thoroughly and regularly trained on all the products and services they will be providing their clients with in order to serve their needs.

The customer support service providers have, in addition, enacted formal recognition policies for their employees with regard to order processing, registering requests, handling complaints and/or troubleshooting.

E-commerce businesses that use these services from certified and trained specialists enable them to deliver an incomparable level of service experience in a timely and professional manner.


Final Thoughts

Most of the established e-commerce companies and organizations are achieving their business objectives through outsourcing customer support functions to outsourcing partners. In light of this, startups and new e-commerce firms have been following the footprints of established markets.

Why Outsourcing Customer Support To E-Commerce Brands Makes Sense



It is no secret that retail can be a challenging industry, with low margins and brands vying for market share even at the best of times. Companies have been scrambling to find a way to stay competitive and to carve out more profit from the current crisis, while simultaneously delivering their products and services to customers with a best-in-class experience. Taking advantage of e-commerce has provided brands with wonderful opportunities to grow market share and customer acquisition through amazing customer service that they will be able to offer to their clients.


The adoption of digital technologies by retail brands has also been equally challenging; those that are 'native e-commerce' companies, however, have certainly been riding this post-pandemic wave with ease, whereas others late to adopt digital transformation have faced some serious challenges. There hasn't been much of a change in game fundamentals since brands are still selling products and selling services to their customers. In the case of delivering those items, and the experience presented to the end users, irrevocably changed, is the medium in which those items are delivered. Is it possible to purchase items in an online environment while staying connected with customers?


Customer experience starts with understanding the customer and what they want, wrapped up in CX. In a recent report, COVID has revealed some interesting facts about how we make purchasing decisions as consumers. It is understandable that during these times, customers may still feel a sense of loneliness and isolation; therefore, they require more trust from our brands and long for a feeling of relationship, assurance, and deeper personalization.


Based on a survey done by the Capgemini Research Institute, they found that the three primary reasons consumers now choose brands are convenience, health and safety, and purpose. It is without a doubt that companies with contact centers that utilize live agents, supported by technology and automation, have an undeniably competitive edge in regard to increasing customer acquisition as well as retention of customers.


Listed below are five benefits of outsourcing customer service operations to call centers for e-commerce brands.


Brand Loyalty & Customer Loyalty


Building and maintaining trust with customers is the most important thing for a brand. There is a lot on the plate of e-commerce companies, especially startups, in terms of managing a business, keeping in touch with suppliers, and dealing with administration. As a result, the customer is often neglected in all the commotion and may get overlooked a bit. When a company outsources customer support, it puts the focus back on the customer and helps them start building that intrinsic trust necessary to form long-lasting relationships.


With the changing needs of online customers, e-commerce brands are being forced to customize their communications, both through live, experienced agents and technology, in order to remain competitive. In order to deliver a seamless customer experience across all channels, the contact center agents become the face of the company. By leveraging the ability of contact center agents to be empathetic, brands can make absolutely certain that customers receive the best possible service, while solidifying both their trust and their loyalty to the brand.


Globalize your business model


There will often be a lack of cultural and linguistic abilities on the part of companies that want to service customers in different countries. Furthermore, it may be that such firms do not possess the personnel and technologies needed to deliver omnichannel services to their customers. There is no doubt that global contact centers, especially those that are native cloud providers like TalentWorldGroup, have scaling down to a science, and are prepared and in the position to address customer needs in any language, dialect, or culture.


Effective in terms of cost


It is both a logistical challenge as well as a costly undertaking for any company to build out an entire department as quickly as possible. There are so many things to take into consideration; hiring, training, equipment, work-spaces... the list is endless. It makes sense to hire one provider to handle all of this for a fraction of the price. There is an opportunity for brands to develop their business strategy so they can invest capital in services and results, rather than bodies and overhead.


Analysis of customers


A contact center, if data is the new oil, can provide the refinery process by providing support. When a brand gathers customer information about its customers, it can transform this data into actionable insights. There is no doubt that having the right service support allows companies to offer a better informed approach to their client's needs, whether it is data on customer journeys or data on the client themselves.


Result-oriented Workbooks


The more brands experience this, the more likely it may be that their management will discover after the fact that a particular area of business was not maximized, not because there was a lack of incentive, but rather because of other constraints. In order to ensure that results are delivered, and that money isn't left on the table, an outsourced customer team is dedicated to driving sales, conversions, or any other metric that drives sales. 


Final Thoughts


According to an article by McKinsey & Company, Customer Service and Care are expected to continue to evolve over the next decade. The need for personalization --and the empathy and connection that come with it --are more important than ever... Human agents won't disappear for quite some time, but technology will enable companies to be better targeted and more efficient in how they deploy their agents in pursuit of personalization."


Customers care can no longer be a reactionary activity. Instead, e-commerce brands must understand their customers better and develop a customer journey that is unified, cohesive and enriching at every touchpoint. Outsourcing contact center agents to manage this ultimate standard of service delivery plays a far more pivotal role in addressing and managing customer expectations for e-commerce brands when it comes to addressing and managing customer requests.


As the world is beginning to slip into a second pandemic wave, outsourcing customer service to contact centers that are able to provide their services in an omni-channel manner, particularly with live experienced agents working for them, assures that brands continue to stay close to their customers throughout all seasons.

Statistics on Live Chat

As a consequence of the advancement of technology, there has been a massive change in customer behavior in recent years. There has been a time when it was enough to have your call center number and social media icons on your website, but that is no longer enough today -customers expect real-time communication via email or chat, and they are more likely to choose that method than the old-fashioned way. The last thing you want is for them to leave you if you cannot satisfy their needs. A recent study reveals that live chat has become the number one choice for customer communication in the past few years. You need to find the perfect balance between technological advances and the presentation of your message, in order to provide your audience with a high-quality experience. It's important to understand what you need to do to figure out how to do it.


The top live chat statistics are as follows: 

  • The number of shoppers in the US who demand live chat features is approximately 69%.
  • Customers between the ages of 18 to 49 are among the most likely to opt for live chat as a service option.
  • Approximately 73% of customers consider live chat to be the most satisfying means of communicating with a company.
  • There is a 20% greater likelihood that millennials will use live chat over any other demographic.
  • By 2023, the market for live chat will be worth $987.3 million around the world.
  • When a customer uses live chat to conduct a purchase, they are likely to spend 60% more than a customer who does not.
  • When live chat is used, conversion rates increase by 3.84%.
  • In comparison with telephone support, companies are able to save between 15-33% with live chat.
  • Amongst brands that believe customers prefer using chatbots to resolve problems, only 29.3% use them (CCW).
  • In a survey conducted by Vivocha, 44% of consumers said that the ability to speak to a live person during the purchase process was the most important feature of an online site (Vivocha).
  • Among the brands that offer customer service, live chat, chatbots, in-app messaging, peer-to-peer communities, or social messaging, less than 13% actually do so (Zendesk).
  • On average, in 2019, mobile devices (Comm100) accounted for 74.5% of the time spent on live chats.
  • In a survey conducted by Gladly, 86% of consumers expected their conversations with support agents to transition smoothly between channels.
  • The majority of consumers choose their support communication channel based on how quickly they want to get a response (Zendesk).
  • By the year 2025, 53% of brands expect to debunk the notion their customers don't matter to them (CCW).
  • The average consumer (68%) is irritated when he or she is transferred between departments, and the majority of consumers (70%) expect their agents to communicate and collaborate with others on their behalf (Zendesk).
  • It is expected that live chat will have a greater impact on brands by the year 2025, with 76% of brands saying so (CCW).


How should live chat be benchmarked in terms of standard?

The current technology allows chatbots to answer up to 90% of queries (Deloitte) with a high degree of accuracy.


An AI-powered chatbot with modern capabilities for natural language processing can handle at least 68.9% of the communications from start to finish without a human agent, as opposed to an AI-driven chatbot with basic capabilities for basic conversational processing.


In the CCW (live chat) industry, 81% of brands make use of automation.


The number of brands that use messaging automation to facilitate live chats has increased to 59.56% (Comm100).


There is a 99.45% chance that a brand that communicates via live chat (Comm100) offers a mobile option for live chat communication as well.


Consumers expect the live chat agents they use to interact with them to be familiar with their identification information (66%), previous conversations (56%), and purchase history (55%) (Gladly).


The utilization of chatbots can result in a reduction in communication abandonment of ~5% (Deloitte).


Among managers who are using bots, 84% plan to improve self-service support including live chat (Zendesk) continuously in the future.


Using chatbots can drastically reduce the time it takes to handle customer questions by 77% (Deloitte).


According to Zendesk, 22% of sales teams use live chat for their customer communication.


Generally speaking, when a brand initiates a live chat with a customer, there is a high acceptance rate of 9% for the consumer service sector, and a low acceptance rate of 2.18% for the travel sector (Comm100).


On average, one out of every six website visitors who are proactively greeted by a live chat agent responds to the chat (Vivocha).


A customer can increase satisfaction by 7% within four minutes of accessing their screen or browser via a support tool like Comm100 (in relevant industries like IT).


Vivocha's research shows that 60% of website visitors who engage in live chat with a representative are receptive.


Approximately 29% of brands benchmark their customer communication metrics against those of their competitors (CCW).


(Deloitte) claims that conversational artificial intelligence can reduce the costs of contact centers by 15 - 70%.


 It has been estimated that 97% of global consumers place importance on customer service when choosing a brand.

This information can be found on the Customer Think website (source)


Around the world, customers are demanding higher standards of service from their service providers. It's not just about getting the right price and quality of the product and attracting them, with the wide variety of choices available to them in most sectors. As brands work conscious towards providing consistently flawless service by 2021, they will be better able to compete and win customers. Further, a recent study on branding revealed that 89% of marketers stated that their top goal is to increase brand awareness. The fact remains that customer support is regarded as one of the most important pillars of successful branding.


Among 73% of consumers, the most important thing a company can do to provide good customer service is to value the time of the customer.

According to Forrester, (Source: )


There is a cliche that says, "time is money". In the year 2021, this statement is as relevant as it has ever been. A majority of customers believe that good service is equated with businesses responding to them as soon as possible. So, if you think about it from a customer service point of view, using an online live chat can be incredibly useful.


In fact, 95% of customers rate high-quality support higher than speed.


(Source: Kayako)


Despite this, even more customers place a higher value on effective customer support than on time saved. If they get a good response in a short amount of time, they don't mind a small delay. In the end, getting a satisfactory response to a customer in one go can save the customer the time that they would lose if they had to ask more questions or find a solution on their own.


One of the most important features that a website can offer is the ability to talk to a live person in order to answer questions during an online purchase. About 44% of online consumers agree.


(Source: Inc.)


Live chat statistics show that many businesses don't opt for this feature mainly due to fears that it will interrupt the online experience or a lack of knowledge on how to use it effectively. The fact remains, however, that customers often require assistance when they are shopping online, and it is important to them that this assistance is provided by someone who will not offer them stock answers.


It is recommended that you use Facebook chatbots as a first point of contact for the remaining 56%.


Furthermore, I would like to point out that:


According to 47.5% of US internet users, the biggest issue with chatbots is that they provide too many unhelpful responses.


(Source: Statista)


Live chat studies show that a lack of a live person is one of the biggest threats to businesses, as it wastes valuable customer time with scripted responses that do not apply to the specific situation and end up wasting the customer's time.


More than half of consumers report that they view a company more favorably if the company offers more personalized customer service to meet their individual needs and interests.


(Source: Emarketer)


Also, a real person is more likely to be able to customize the response to fit the customer's specific needs. Nowadays, personalization of services and even products has become a huge feature of today's economy, and unless you achieve this, you will not be able to impress your customers.mpress your customers.


Approximately 51% of customers desire that businesses are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


(Source: Inc.)


Live customer chats are another major benefit of having access to one. In view of the fact that numerous companies have geographic spreads, it is only expected that many companies will be contacted at odd hours of the night. It is clearly not the customer's desire to wait for the store to open its doors at 9:00 in the morning in order to get an answer to their question.


The research shows that 53% of consumers are likely to abandon their online purchases if they are unable to find answers to their questions.


(Source: Forrester)


In order for you to retain your customers, it is very important to respond immediately to them. If you do not satisfy them in the short period of time you have with them, you may lose half of them. If you do not provide quick answers to your customer's queries, they will perceive that you do not value their patronage. It is important to keep in mind, however, that the global cart abandonment rate is 75.52%, so you must make sure that your customers can find their answers easily.


The number of companies using a live chat on their website is only 9%.

(Source: Super Office)


With so many customers requesting a live chat, it's shocking to see that so many companies are still unable to provide this service to their customers! You have an advantage over your competitors who do not have a live chat option on their site if you have one on your site.


Statistics on live chat adoption

By the year 2022, it is expected that 85% of businesses will opt for live chat support.

Despite the fact that web chat customer service has been around for a while now, it has only gained traction in the last decade. There are numerous reasons for this growth, with one of the most common being digitalization, which has allowed many companies to automate their operations and improve efficiency. Similarly, customer demands are on the rise, and businesses need to be able to meet them as well. In today's world, tech-savvy customers are more familiar with the messaging platforms, and according to a study, 79% of them prefer live chat over other methods since they have access to support instantly.

(Software Advice)

According to the company, about 60% of customers want a quick response from support when they contact them.

According to live chat statistics, the majority of customers prefer a response or support that is provided within 10 minutes after contacting the customer support team. In accordance with the answers from the study respondents, 46% of customers think that any contact with the marketing team is of the same importance. The number of customers who are the most 'impatient' when they make a request to the sales department is the highest - 62 percent.


35% of businesses believe that live chat is the preferred method of communication.

What is strange is that there is a disconnect between what companies think their customers want, and what they actually want. The number of business owners thinking about using online chat customer service is only 35%. In contrast, they are overstaffing their contact centers with operators, since it seems that 42% of firms consider this to be what customers prefer when it comes to customer service. Additionally, 14% of respondents think that their customers prefer to communicate via email, while 9% say the same about social media.



It has been found that 63% of consumers who spend $250-500 each month on the Internet make their purchases from businesses that offer live chat service.


Additionally, they are also more likely to remain loyal to this company as well. On top of that, based on the live chat sales statistics, it is expected that 51% of customers will buy again from a company that offers live chat. By comparison, it has been found that 38% of people are more likely to make their first purchase on a website with a live chat widget. Therefore, 79% of companies report that the presence of this feature has positively impacted their revenue, sales, and customer relationships over the last two years.






Customers between the ages of 18 and 49 are most likely to prefer live chat over other options.


According to the National Institute of Health, 36.5% of women aged 18-29 in the United States have used it at least once. Furthermore, in the group between 30 and 39 years of age, there are 37.5% of people who have used it at least once. In spite of this, only 62% of retail owners have put it into practice on desktop and 55% have put it into practice on mobile. According to Gartner, there are some examples of excellent online chat customer service that stand out from the crowd. It is one of these companies that used Apple Business Chat to enable its SMS service.



(Gartner, eMarketer)



Live chat customer satisfaction in Mexico is the highest, with 94.11 %.


Moreover, the average chat duration of this chatroom is one of the longest (21 minutes and 12 seconds) out of all chatrooms. According to the live chat customer satisfaction statistics, Canada and Australia do not seem to be that far behind. The former has a customer satisfaction rate of around 88.36%, while customers of Down Under are more satisfied with 93.59 %. As a result of this, most of the live chat transactions occur between the hours of 10 A.M. as well as 3 P.M. On average, 50% of all live chat transactions occur between these hours.



(Performance Magazine)



The desktop chat engagement rate is 1.7% while the mobile chat engagement rate is 1.4%.


A desktop user is likely to make a purchase 14% of the time on average, but mobile users will make a purchase 7% of the time on average. In addition to that, they are incredibly engaged when it comes to web chat customer service on desktop, which is considerably higher. It is estimated that mobile chatters convert 6.1 times higher than non-chatters on mobile devices.






  1. It was estimated that 51.68% of chat queries originated from mobile devices in 2018, on average.


The live chat support statistics show a strong growth of 7.9% comparing the previous year to last year. In order to put this into a more elucidatory perspective, let us say that there were 23 million chats in total. According to the chart above, we can clearly see that live chat usage for primary purposes is shifting from desktop to mobile in a general sense (or basically everywhere). Live chat was the most popular form of communication for mobile users when they were shopping, taking part in leisure activities, as well as when they needed consumer service. On the one hand, the first group of users had a mobile usage of 72% while the second had a mobile usage of 70%. The transportation industry, on the other hand, had the lowest percentage at 19%.






There are around 2% of customers who engage in proactive live chats.


The difference is not that significant when compared with the higher reactive chat engagement rates (up to 7.8%). Although proactive chat provides customers with great opportunities for recommendations, they do not seem very willing to engage in proactive chat. It has been found that on average there are 23 seconds between the time that livechat responds to a customer's inquiry in a reactive chat. For proactive chat, however, the amount of time is harder to determine.



(Fair Trade Outsourcing)



According to research, around 73% of customers find live chat to be the most effective way of communicating with a company.


On the other hand, live chat has been deemed more satisfactory by 73% of customers compared to email and phone. In contrast, 51% of customers expressed pleasure while communicating via email with the company. Last but not least, 44% of respondents felt the same way with regard to the business' phone engagement.



At the same time, live chat engagement statistics meanwhile confirm that 42% of customers indicated that live chat was the preferred way for them to leave their contact information. This makes live chat the most effective lead-generation method in this regard.








According to 79% of customers, the main reason they use live chat is for the immediate answer to their questions.


As we can see from the live chat performance benchmarks, this is indeed true. The reason for this, however, is not the only one. More than half of all customers find multitasking important. Furthermore, 46% think it is the most efficient means of communication for them. Also, 29% believe it is the most accurate way of receiving information. There are 22% of people who do not enjoy talking on the phone, however there are 21% who can chat while at work. In addition, 15% of those surveyed said that they thought the information that they received was better than if they had called, according to live chat statistics.






Besides promoting sales, live chat is used 29% in marketing to raise awareness of the products and services of the company.


The entire customer journey is encompassed in our live chat customer support. According to a study, the use of social media for marketing awareness is reported in 29% of cases. Afterwards, 39% of cases report the conversion of leads from social media. 32% of this amount goes to early engagement, and 24% to mid-stage engagement. As a final note, 18% of respondents cited it as a tool for closing the sale, and 39% cited it as a means of post-sale support.







Millennials are 20% more likely than baby boomers to use live chat than they were ten years ago.


In fact, this age group, along with millennials, is one of the fastest-growing segments of the market. Due to this fact, they tend to be the ones who use it the most, citing convenience as their number one reason for doing so. The latest live chat statistics show that 63% of millennials prefer their questions answered by live chat, rather than traditional forms of customer support.






In a recent survey, 36% of Gen Z customers feel that they would prefer to contact customer service using live chat.


It is also likely that they will prefer channels such as WhatsApp or live chat customer support via video instead. Apparently 61% of customers under the age of 24 do not intend on calling companies for help on purpose when they need it.



(Live Agent)



In the B2B space, live chat is used by 61% of users.


As you might have guessed, this is rather surprising, considering that B2C is a larger customer segment. Despite this, adoption statistics for live chat show that B2B has almost twice as many users as B2C. For reference, B2C has a 33% rate of adoption from customers. Further, we have B2G and non-profit sectors, each with 2% and 5% live chat users, respectively.







By 2023, it is projected that the global market for live chat will reach $987,3 million.


During the forecast period, the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.3%. As the customer-centric approach gain more and more traction, online chat customer service is gaining more and more prominence. With this approach, companies are able to gather valuable insights about user preferences, which allows them to increase sales and conversion levels.o increase sales and conversion levels. Consequently, live chat will continue to become an increasingly popular solution for companies. There will continue to be a need for customers to have access to real-time communication, and this will continue to drive the growth of the live chat market.



(Knowledge-Based Value Research)



The global live chat software market is expected to reach $997 million by the year 2023. (Allied Market Research, 2020)



The percentage of organizations that use live chat when they have less than 100 customers is staggering at 56%. 



Furthermore, 74% of organizations implemented live chat when they had fewer than ten employees on board with them. (Zoho, 2018)



Additionally, 25 percent of businesses adopted live chat in their first year, while the other 25 percent did so in their second year or after 


A third of organizations implemented live chat ten years or more after they were founded. (Zoho, 2018)


85% of businesses in the B2B sector and 74% of businesses in the B2C sector use live chat to help close sales. (Zoho, 2018)


In the B2C sector 67% of companies use live chat for customer service, while 66% of companies in the B2B sector use it. (Zoho, 2018)


54% of businesses in the B2B sector use live chat as a marketing tool, compared to 31% of businesses in the B2C sector. (Zoho, 2018)


Moreover, there is new data showing that live chat has been able to boost revenue of travel and hospitality companies by $16 million in the last year. (Nuance Communications, 2019)


Insurance companies have also benefited from live chat by saving $1 million in call deflection costs in the last 90 days. (Nuance Communications, 2019)


The lack of cross-departmental collaboration is one of the main reasons why 38% of companies fail to provide excellent customer service. (Conversocial, 2019)


The shocking truth is that 26% of businesses believe they are not prepared to offer live chat support via public social media apps. (Conversocial, 2019)


Statistic on Live Chat Conversions


It has been reported that a customer who uses live chat spends as much as 60% more than one who does not use live chat.

This is because live chat support can deal with customer concerns and questions quickly and efficiently. Additionally, 38% of customers are likely to purchase a product after a positive real-time chat with the customer service representative. (Software Advice)


A recent survey found that 57% of consumers would abandon a purchase online if they didn't receive a response to their question.

In order to retain your customers and have them complete an order, Webchat customer service plays a vital role. When customers do not receive prompt responses to their questions, more than half of them abandon their shopping cart. Additionally, 63% of consumers also said they'd be happy to return to a shopping site that has a live chat feature integrated into it in the future. (Acquire)


The conversion rate for live chat has increased by 3.84 percent.

Statistics indicate that the main reason for the rise of live chat marketing is the possibility of including some strategies for this. A company can get leads at a fraction of the cost of what it would have to invest in a regular method of getting leads. In the event that the chat agent makes an initial contact with the visitor, the sales department will be able to swoop in and convert those leads into paying customers. In addition to this, some businesses have implemented integrated customer relationship management solutions in order to better interact with their agents. (Software Advice)


 For example, Virgin Airlines increased conversion rates by 23 percent after the implementation of live chat.

According to the company, based on its benchmarks for live chat performance, they claim that live chat converts customers at 3.5 times more than those who don't use it. Nevertheless, the following are a couple of facts worth mentioning. Virgil doesn't use this chat as a means of closing sales, rather it uses it in order to solidify additional revenue and achieve an increase in average order value. For reference, the company's average order value (AOV) has increased by 15% in the last year among its customers who use the live chat service, compared with the rest of the customers. (Digital Commerce 360)


Following the implementation of live chat, Intuit's conversions rose to an astonishing 190%.

This figure decreased to about 170% for the Mint and QuickBooks seller. In a matter of just a few months after the chat widget was added to the product comparison page, the sales levels of the company increased by an impressive 211%. There is no doubt that the presence of a live chat widget brought a 43% increase in the average order value at the checkout process when compared with the presence of no chat widget at all. (Template Monster)


Rescue Spa increased its revenue by 286% as a result of introducing live chat.

At Rescue Spa, we offer upscale beauty services and products and sell a variety of upscale beauty products. A few years ago, the company decided to become involved in the online space by launching an e-commerce platform. The company brought in a new site vendor, enhanced the checkout process, and enabled the live chat feature to use. There was an average growth of 175% in revenue per year after that. The fact that companies that offer live chat support enjoy higher conversion rates and sales is just another proof that they benefit from this service. (Marketing Sherpa)


Customer Satisfaction Statistics for Live Chat


38% of customers are frustrated by the poor customer service they receive when using the live chat service.

In most cases, these frustrations are caused by the fact that live chat support is unavailable, or how they are disconnected from the chat, or having to fill out a form in order to initiate a chat. Approximately 28 percent of customers find that scripted responses are the most frustrating, while 24 percent of customers are frustrated by long wait times. Another nine percent of customers find it frustrating if they have to repeat themselves. (Kayakoo)



Live chat stats show that the longest waiting time for a response to a live chat query is nine minutes.

You can imagine the frustration of the customer in this situation. In other words, long waiting times are one of the reasons a customer may decide to stop being a customer of a given company. During our customer journey, response times in live chat play a vital role. In our experience, the customer waits a total of two minutes and forty seconds from the moment that they initiate the chat to the moment they receive an answer. It is not uncommon for agents to be able to reply within the first 30 seconds, but not all are as quick. A response that was returned in seven seconds was the fastest response we have ever recorded. (Super Office)


In 21% of all companies, live chat requests do not get answered.

The percentage of customers that are not satisfied with the product justifies their doubts. On the other hand, for those who receive a reply, according to live chat statistics, the wait time is two minutes and 40 seconds on average. 45% of companies don't ask for user feedback after the chat is completed (55%), and 55% don't offer transcripts after the chat is completed. In addition, 23% of all chatbots never ask for contact data prior to starting a conversation. (Super Office)



Around 69% of organizations use canned messages in live chat to communicate with their customers.

The fact remains, no matter how crucial it is for customers to have real-time communication with their providers and to have their questions answered, not all of them receive a personal touch. According to Jeff Epstein, the VP of Product Marketing and Communication at Comm100, agents know that no matter how unique they are, they don't come up with responses from scratch every time. As time passes, all their responses become more automated and they sound like they are pre-recorded. (Forbes)



Support Statistics for Live Chat vs Phone Support


The cost of handling live chats is more than 50% less than handling phone calls.

As an example, companies with live chat support that have traditionally used phone models when providing support would find this form to be significantly cheaper than using phone models. In addition, live chat has the added benefit of being more efficient than phone models. For instance, in traditional call centers, agents can respond to one call at a time or answer one email at a time. However, in customer service with live chat, an agent can engage in up to six different chats at once, in contrast to that in phone support. In some estimates, on the other hand, the cost of call center support on the phone can be as much as $12 per call, compared to $5 for a web chat. (Super Office)


Since introducing live chat, Magellan GPS was able to decrease phone call costs by 55.8% between 2013 and 2015.

The company's spending on contact centers decreased from $1.5 million approximately to $840,000 approximately between 2013 and 2014, based on data from live chat chats. After deploying Velaro's live chat solution for a year, this has amounted to a 43% reduction in costs. The number of direct costs decreased by 22% between 2014 and 2015. The majority of support queries that Magellan receives are rerouted to live chat, reducing the need for telephone support. Thus, the number of people using the phone declined from 66.9% to 33.1% (Velaro)


By the end of 2021, 71% of people believe that the popularity of live online chats will surpass that of traditional support channels. (Source: bold360)


In most cases, the reason for this is because people increasingly prefer to communicate through chatting rather than making phone calls.


The fact is more than half of all customers prefer to use real-time online chat rather than telephone support. (Source: Super Office)


Shortly put, live chat has overtaken phone support in terms of popularity, while only 23% of customers prefer email. It drops even lower for social media and forums, with the number falling to just 16%. 


The main reasons why more customers prefer live chats are that they are more convenient (26.9%) and that there are no waiting times (34%) involved. (Source: ProProfs)


Statistics from live chat tell us that the main reason why customers prefer this method is because it is so convenient and they do not have to wait, contrary to phone calls. Also, customers say that the brand allows them to engage with them better, outline concerns, and receive immediate results.


There is a strong correlation between customer satisfaction and the quality of the live chat experience. (Source: Help Scout)


Statistics from Comm100 indicate that the majority of customers are happy with the help they receive over live chat, and this is being revealed in the live chat customer service statistics released by Comm100. With the percentage falling to 61% for email support, the figure dropped to only 44% for phone support. Thus, if businesses want to improve their phone support, then they can either work on improving their live chat support or focusing on phone support.


There is an average 60 % increase in spending per transaction among 'chatterers' compared with non-chatterers. (Source: invesp)


It is therefore unclear why this was brought up in the discussion of live chat vs. phone support statistics? It's worth noting that if you only have telephone support, you could be losing out on a lot of money to your competitors.




Implementation of ChatBots


An average of $300,000 was saved by organizations by using chatbots in 2019. (Intercom, 2019)

Further, it is predicted that by 2023, retail sales generated by chatbots will amount to $112 billion. (Retail Dive, 2019)

In the United States, Europe, and China, 40 percent of businesses are already using chatbots and virtual agents by the year 2020. (Forbes, 2020)

There is a 73% chance that bots and automation are going to play a significant role in the near future for businesses in North America. 74% of companies in Europe agree with this statement as well. (Conversocial, 2019)

Human-intermediated chatbots have been found to be successful in certain cases, the Dutch airline KLM, has seen a 50% reduction in handling times because agents no longer have to type everything. (Forrester, 2019)

Even so, only 14% of US online consumers believe that interacting with chatbots will have a positive effect on their experience, while 8% think that they will have an extremely positive interaction with them. (Nuance Communications, 2019)

According to a more recent report, 41% of consumers believe the use of chatbots and Artificial Intelligence could benefit their customer experience. But 59% believe otherwise. (Conversocial, 2020)






Statistics on Customer Preferences


It's true that 41% of customers prefer live chat over phone interactions, but 42% of businesses believe that their customers prefer live chat. (Kayako, 2021)

The highest global customer satisfaction rate for live chat usage was recorded in the real estate industry (98.56%), followed by the transportation industry (90.86%), technology sector (90.13%), business services sector (89.47%), and education sector (88.69%). (Comm100, 2020)

More than 79% of companies say that live chat has improved their customer loyalty, sales, and revenue as a result of live chat. (Kayako, 2021)

The number of consumers who are likely to buy from a business that provides live chat support has increased to 38%. (Kayako, 2021)

51% of customers say they are more likely to return to a business that provides live chat support or make another purchase from them. (Kayako, 2021)

As well as this, 94% of customers also say that brands that provide customers with a satisfying experience through messaging platforms are more likely to have repeat customers. (Conversocial, 2020)

There is an 85% chance that customers who use the live chat feature on a website will become customers if they use the feature. As well as being bigger chatterers, they would also spend 13% more than non-chatterers. (Intercom, 2019)

63% of consumers who spend $250 to $500 per month online are more likely to become loyal to and buy from a business that offers live chat support than one that doesn't. (Kayako, 2021)

A recent survey revealed that 71% of customers expect brands to offer customer support via messaging platforms in the future. (Conversocial, 2020)




Response Time Statistics for Live Chat


There is no doubt that long waiting times are one of the major sources of consumer frustration, as reported by 24 percent of consumers. (Kayako, 2021)

There are 19% of businesses who report that their customers are frustrated with long waiting times. (Kayako, 2021)

There was an average wait time for a consumer with a team of 26 to 50 agents which averaged over 80 seconds. Teams with a range of 26 to 50 agents had the longest wait times. (Comm100, 2019)

It has also been found that teams composed of 26 to 50 agents have the longest chat duration at an average of 13:41 minutes per chat session. (Comm100, 2019)

The average wait time for live chat for the recreation industry is only 0:15 seconds, which is the best among other industries. (Comm100, 2019)

In an updated report, it was found that agents on average take more than 52 seconds to respond to a customer question on live chat. (LiveChat, 2020)

A live chat session will typically take an average of two minutes and forty seconds to complete once it has been initiated. (SuperOffice, 2021)

Usually, a live chat agent needs to spend an average of 11 minutes and 34 seconds to comprehensively resolve a customer case. (99Firms, 2020)

The majority of consumers, 95% in fact, prefer slow, personalized live chat support if it ensures a higher level of service. (Kayako, 2021)

According to a study by ZDNet, organizations that reported live chat customer satisfaction scores of 90% or higher had an average chat duration of 12 minutes and 26 seconds, which was 13% longer than organizations that reported lower scores on customer satisfaction. (Forbes, 2019)

A team with more than 50 live chat agents has the highest rate of customer satisfaction (88%). A team with more than 50 live chat agents also has the smallest number of chat sessions per agent. (Comm100, 2020)

There are 21% of companies that do not respond to live chat requests, which is unfortunate for them. (SuperOffice, 2021)

In comparison, only 43% of businesses know that they don't offer their customers a good enough user experience. (Kayako, 2021)

There is a consensus among 87% of consumers that brands need to make more effort to provide consistently good customer experiences, especially since 54% of them base their purchasing decisions on their overall experience. (Nuance Communications, 2020)




Statistics on live chat mobility


According to the World Bank, by 2020 there will be more than 5.19 billion mobile phone owners, which represents a 2.4% increase over the previous year. Moreover, the percentage of people who spend time online using their mobile phones has increased to 50.1%. (We Are Social, 2020)

As of 2019, mobile devices accounted for 74.5 percent of all live chats, an increase of 82% from last year. (Comm100, 2020)

It is estimated that 89% of all mobile apps are chat apps. (We Are Social, 2020)

The percentage of companies that did not provide mobile chat in 2019 was only 0.54%. (Comm100, 2020)

By 2020, there will be 167.77 million mobile phone owners in the United States. It is projected that the number will reach 187.5 million by 2024. (eMarketer, 2020)

76.5% of chats in the recreation industry were conducted on mobile devices. (Comm100, 2020)

In the industry of consumer services, 71% of chats were done on a mobile device. (Comm100, 2020)

The industry where the least amount of live chats was received in 2019 was technology, where 24% of the conversations took place. (Comm100, 2020)





Statistics on Live Chat Technologies Emerging in the Industry


With the assistance of chatbots, 82% of common customer questions could be answered without the assistance of a human agent. The results of the study showed that 88% of customer requests were successful when human agents and chatbots worked together. (Acquire)

It is estimated that an automated chatbot is able to resolve 80% of all customer issues without a human agent's assistance. (Acquire)

The number of organizations using canned responses in live chat sessions is approximately 69%. (Forbes, 2019)

It is estimated that 69% of consumers prefer to use chatbots as they enable them to communicate with brands more efficiently. (Mordor Intelligence, 2020)

More than 71% of consumers would gladly use a chatbot if it meant that they could improve their customer experience. (Conversocial, 2020)

It is reported that retail companies using chatbots are seen by customers as efficient (47%), innovative (40%), and helpful (36%). (LinkedIn, 2020)

By 2025, $102 billion will have been generated by the chatbot market from $17.17 billion in 2019. The market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 34.75% during 2020 – 2025. (Mordor Intelligence, 2020)

In spite of the rise of chatbots on the internet, there is still a high preference for human agents over AI technologies among consumers. (99Firms, 2020)

It is important to note that proactive live chats, where an agent welcomes visitors to chat, are slowly gaining traction. As of 2019, over one million live chats have been initiated by agents across the world. (Comm100, 2020)

Using co-browsing, where an agent is able to access the customer's browser while resolving the issue, helped increase customer satisfaction scores by more than 6 points compared with the market average. (Forbes, 2019)




The effects of COVID-19 on live chat


According to Euromonitor International, customer service tickets received in North America during the pandemic were 16% higher than pre-pandemic levels. (Zendesk, 2020)

Compared to January to March 2020, the average number of monthly live chats increased by 23% from April to August 2020. (Comm100, 2020)

At the beginning of the pandemic, on average, every live chat agent had to handle 18% more sessions than they normally would. (Comm100, 2020)

Ecommerce customers used messaging apps such as WhatsApp (up by 352% compared to pre-pandemic levels) and SMS/text messaging (up by 102%) more than other customer service channels since the pandemic began. (Zendesk, 2021)

As compared to January to March 2020, many industries reported an increase in mobile chats received between April and August 2020: travel (+16%), healthcare (+6%), business services (+4%), telecoms (+5%), recreation (+1%), and real estate (+1%). (Comm100, 2020)

32% more tickets were solved by companies that leveraged live channels during the pandemic. (Zendesk, 2021)

There was a study that discovered that people who have to work from home in order to provide their customers with quality customer service found it difficult due to inadequate infrastructure to provide them with high quality customer service. After COVID-19 was declared a pandemic two weeks ago, hold times and escalations increased by 34% and 68%, respectively, within just two weeks. (Harvard Business Review, 2020)

As a result of the pandemic, the number of calls rated as "difficult" more than doubled from a usual 10% to more than 20% during the initial months. (Harvard Business Review, 2020)




Metrics for measuring the first response time

For live chat, in 2020, the average first time response time was between 46 (Comm100) and 48 seconds (Live Chat).


As of 2019, customer support teams with 90 percent or higher customer satisfaction ratings had an average response time of 1 minute, 32 seconds (Comm100).


It is estimated that the average response time of support teams whose satisfaction rates are less than 90% is 30 seconds in 2019 (Comm100).


According to Zendesk, 28% of consumers expect a live chat response within five minutes.


It is estimated that long wait times are the number one cause of "bad" customer service (Zendesk).




Metrics related to Resolution Time

In 2020, the average duration of support chats ranged from 11 minutes, 24 seconds (Live Chat) to 11 minutes, 55 seconds (Comm100).


Comm100 reports that customer support teams with satisfaction rates above 90% chatted for an average of 11 minutes, 47 seconds, while those with lower satisfaction rates chatted for an average of 8 minutes, 42 seconds.


The top factor contributing to "good" customer service is the speed with which you resolve the issue.




What is the popularity of live chat?


In the next year (2020) (Zendesk), live chat is expected to grow by 65% (or 500%).


According to Zendesk, 17% of people between the ages of 18-24 use social messaging apps to resolve issues with brands.


The average use of automated live chat messaging among support teams of 50 or more people was 2.1% compared to teams of 1-50 agents (0.4-1%) (Comm100).


The vast majority of live chat conversations are initiated by visitors to a website (Comm100).





How do consumers feel about live chat? What do they think of it?


The average satisfaction rate for using live chat is 87%, a rate that is higher than all other types of communication channels (Infinite Global).


When a consumer asks a sales or marketing question, 82% of consumers would like a direct response (Infinite Global).


When asking a customer service question, 90 percent of consumers expect an immediate response (Infinite Global).


When it comes to communicating with a brand, 36% of consumers expect to be able to choose the communication channel of their choice (Gladly).


According to Gladly, 30% of consumers have used live chat to resolve issues within the past 12 months (2020).


The number of consumers who say that personalized service is more important to them than targeted marketing is 79% (Gladly).


The numbers of consumers who perceive improvements in their live chat support experiences have gone up to 12% over the past decade (Comm100).


In contrast to this, only 11% of consumers say they are confident that brands are taking their feedback seriously (Comm100).


The majority of consumers (57%) said that they feel loyal to a particular brand when they receive satisfying customer service (Zendesk).


It is estimated that 84% of consumers will go out of their way to purchase more products from a brand that offers outstanding customer service (Gladly).


According to the Comm100, customer satisfaction plateaued between 2018 and 2019 and dropped to 83.04% in 2020, a decrease of 0.06%.


Approximately 23-28% of consumers use chat and messaging to resolve issues with a brand (Zendesk) .




How to Optimize Your Live Chat Experience Using These Numbers

The easiest, quickest, and most accessible way to get help from a customer support representative has been live chat. As a result, AI chatbots have emerged as cheaper, more efficient and more effective alternatives to human agents. In addition, they improved the quality of service delivery and have helped reduce the burden on human agents. The incorporation of live chat customer service makes more sense as it can be performed from home, at least in the short term, since telephone customer service could present a minor problem. In addition, a live chat customer service option requires less infrastructure in general.


It is possible to implement live chat in your small business with the help of one of the many small business live chat apps available today. In addition, do not forget to use the live chat trends as well as the statistics we mentioned earlier if you want to develop a strategy that will enable you to reap maximum benefits from your live chat. Some companies have already proved that live chat sales techniques deliver more revenue than any other sales channel. Live chat for marketing is a creative tool, and some companies use live chat for marketing and for sales.


It is very important to keep in mind that no matter how powerful your live chat channel is, if you want to drive its uptake, you must promote it. For example, you should make sure your live chat channel is clearly visible on your website to increase the rate of consumer adoption. In addition to that, customers expect you to be available 24/7 when you offer a live chat channel. Due to this reason, it is important that you have the right number of customer service agents on hand to respond to any customer queries effectively during all working hours (day or night).

Statistics about Customer Service

Today, the relationship between businesses and consumers is very different from how it was a few decades ago. At that time, low prices, as well as high quality, were what mattered the most to customers. Advertising was more product-oriented, emphasizing the tangible benefits of the product, emphasizing how high quality is correlated with a more recognizable brand.


These days, many advertisements tend to be more consumer-oriented and emphasize the positive experiences that a customer will experience after using the product. This is not surprising considering that customers are increasingly being focused on their experience.


In addition to product quality and price, customer service has become a new factor consumers consider in their decision to choose between competing brands. Investing in a brand that focuses on the customer's needs and continually offers value beyond the initial purchase is a better option for customers.


Customers can gain loyalty by focusing their brands on their needs. Take the following statistics on customer service into consideration when brainstorming new strategies for strengthening your customer service team.



Customer Service Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind


It is estimated that 48% of consumers have stopped doing business with a company because of a bad experience with them.

According to surveys, 89% of companies compete solely based upon customer service quality!

In addition to this, 89% of clients decided to switch to another company after having an unpleasant experience with customer service.

It is estimated that businesses in the United States lose $1,7 trillion due to poor customer service every year!

According to a recent survey, 95% of people believe customer care is vital to making them loyal customers.

86% of all customers would be willing to pay more to get great service!

Dissatisfied customers represent only around 4% of the total customer base...

for every complaint, there are another 26 unhappy customers who remain silent.

Do you think you are doing a good job? There are 77% of customers who believe that it takes too long to reach a live agent, while 26% have been transferred from agent to agent without resolution.




Why High-Quality Customer Service is Important ---

90% of Americans attribute their decision to doing business with a company to the quality of customer service that the company offers. (Microsoft)


The cost of acquiring a new customer is between 5 and 25 times more than the cost of keeping an existing one. (Invesp)


The poor customer service experience is the number one reason why consumers switch companies. (Microsoft)


89% of consumers are more likely to make another purchase after a positive customer service experience. (Salesforce Research)


Sixty-three percent of consumers expect that businesses will know their specific needs and expectations, while seventy-six percent of B2B buyers expect the same. (Salesforce Research)


In a recent study, 68% of consumers responded that they would be willing to pay more for products and services if the brand offered a good customer service experience. (HubSpot)


In 86% of the cases, good customer service is what converts one-time clients into long-term advocates for a brand. (Khoros)

An NPS Promoter score has a customer lifetime value of 600%-1,400% higher than a NPS Detractor score. (Bain & Company)


The percentage of consumers that are likely to make another purchase after a positive experience with customer service is 89%. (Salesforce Research)


93% of customers who have experienced excellent customer service are likely to purchase from the same company in the future. (HubSpot Research)


After a mistake has been made by a company, 78% of consumers will use the company again if the customer service is excellent. (Salesforce Research)


By increasing customer retention rates by just 5%, a company can increase its profits by anywhere between 25 and 95%. (Bain and Company)


Almost three out of every five consumers report that good customer service is vital when it comes to feeling loyal to a brand. (Zendesk)


Consumers strongly recommend a company if they had a good experience with customer service. When consumers rate a company's service as "good", they are 38% more likely to recommend the company to others. (Qualtrics XM Institute)

It is estimated that the cost of acquiring a new customer is between 5 and 25 times that of retaining an existing one. (Invesp)




More than 80% of customers say they feel loyal to brands that respond to their complaints and resolve them. (Khoros)


It has been proven that businesses can increase revenues by between 4% and 8% above their market by prioritizing a better customer service experience. (Bain & Company)


It is estimated that 80% of companies analyze and improve the customer experience using customer satisfaction scores. (Harvard Business Review)


More than 72% of companies believe analytics reports can be used to improve customer service. (Deloitte)


It is expected that the customer experience management market will be worth $7.6 billion in 2020. A 16.9% increase over its value of $6.5 billion in 2019 represents a 16.9% year-over-year increase. (Grand View Research)


When a company's customer service is exceptional, 78% of consumers are willing to do business with them again if they make a mistake. (Salesforce Research)


Three out of five consumers believe it is important to have good customer service in order to feel loyal towards a brand. (Zendesk)


Customers who feel they have received good customer service are more likely to recommend a brand. There is a 38% higher likelihood of consumers recommending a company whose service they rated as "good.". (Qualtrics XM Institute)


The number of customers who are likely to repeat their purchase with a business that offers excellent customer service is 93%. (HubSpot Research)




A Poor Customer Service Experience Can Cost You a Lot


According to a recent report, approximately half of consumers say they would switch to a new brand after having a bad experience. (Zendesk)


80% of consumers say that if they experience a negative experience more than once, they would rather do business with a competitor. (Zendesk)


 Only one in five consumers will forgive a bad experience at a company whose customer service they rate as “very poor.” Nearly 80% will forgive a bad experience if they rate the service team as “very good.” (Qualtrics XM Institute)


Over 78% of customers have decided not to make a purchase due to a bad customer experience. (Glance)


In order to make up for one negative customer experience, you need 12 positive ones. (Ruby Newell-Legner’s ”Understanding Customers“)


American consumers are more likely to switch companies as a result of poor customer service. (Microsoft)


It is estimated that 65% of customers have switched to a different brand because of a poor experience at their previous brand. (Khoros)


It is estimated that around 80% of consumers will prefer to do business with a competitor after more than one bad experience. (Zendesk)


There is only one in five consumers willing to forgive a poor experience at a company whose customer service they rate as "very poor." (Nearly 80% of consumers are willing to overlook a poor experience if they rate the service team as "very good.").



Customer Service Channels That Are Most Effective


In general, more than half of customers, regardless of age, use the phone to get in touch with a customer service representative, making it by far the most popular method of customer contact. (Zendesk)


The effectiveness of bots has fallen to 28% when it comes to resolving issues. The American consumer believes that bots are ineffective, with 40% of consumers relying on other channels to contact customer service representatives. (Microsoft)


The American consumer prefers knowledge bases over all other forms of self-service. (Forrester)


Facebook is the most popular social media platform in the United States, with more than 79% of internet users accessing it. (Lyfe Marketing)


More than any other communication channel, Millennials prefer live chat for customer support. (Comm100)





Some of the frustrations customers face


include the need to wait on hold for too long, which is the source of frustration for 33% of customers. A third of respondents said they were most frustrated by having to repeat themselves to multiple customer service representatives. (HubSpot Research)


According to a similar study, almost 60% of those surveyed believe that long hold times and waiting times are the most frustrating parts of a service experience. (Zendesk)


According to a survey conducted by Ipsos, 53% of shoppers believe their feedback is not passed on to anyone who can actually act on it. (Microsoft)


If a customer has a problem with a service he or she is having, they are four times more likely to switch to a competitor. (Bain and Company)



The value of sharing customer service experiences


Approximately 36% of consumers overall will share their experience of customer service, whether it was good or bad. Facebook and Instagram are the platforms where most consumers are posting their experiences. (CFI Group)


Almost nine out of ten customers in the United States would recommend a company whose service they consider "very good." (Qualtrics XM Institute)


A Qualtrics XM Institute survey found that only 13% of consumers would recommend a company whose customer service they had rated as "very poor.".


Over half of customers say that they don't use social media to share their good or bad service experiences. (CFI Group)




Taking advantage of the customer service opportunity


A whopping 90% of consumers trust a business whose service they have rated as "very good" to take care of their needs. (Qualtrics XM Institute)


Just by increasing customer retention rates by at least 5%, businesses can increase their profits by at least 25% to 95%. (Bain and Company)


By prioritizing better customer service experiences than their competitors, businesses are able to grow revenues between 4% and 8% above their market. (Bain & Company)


There are 89% of companies that perform better financially than their competitors when they have "significantly above average" customer experiences. (Qualtrics XM Institute)



Statistics about Customer Experience


Approximately 70 percent of the customer journey is influenced by how the client feels they are being treated. (McKinsey)


Adding personalized consumer experiences to your online conversions can improve your conversion rate by an average of 8%. (Trust Pilot)


An average of only 21% of customer service agents ask for a customer's name when they are contacting the customer. (Glance)


There is a 71% belief that a quick response from your customer service team can drastically improve the experience of your customers (age 16 - 24). (Comm100)


Almost 90% of customers report trusting a company whose service they rate as “very good.” On the other hand, only 16% of those who give a “very poor” rating trust companies to the same degree. (Qualtrics XM Institute) 





Statistics on Customer Satisfaction


The vast majority of consumers consider an "immediate" response to be important or very important when they have a question regarding customer service. According to 60% of consumers the term "immediate" means within ten minutes of their call. (HubSpot Research)


There is a majority of consumers who believe that companies should collaborate on their behalf, so that customers do not have to repeat information to different representatives. (Zendesk)


It has been reported that almost 70% of customers are irritated when their calls are redirected from department to department. (Zendesk)


In the first instance, 69% of consumers try to resolve their problems on their own, but fewer than one third of organizations offer self-service options such as knowledge bases. (Zendesk)


 A customer with a NPS® promoter score will have a customer lifetime value 600% - 1400% higher than a customer with a detractor score. (Bain & Company)




Listening to what customers have to say


The majority of customers feel that an immediate response is essential or very important when they have a question for customer service. According to 60% of them, “immediate” refers to 10 minutes or less. (HubSpot Research)


Almost two thirds of consumers believe that companies should collaborate on their behalf so they do not have to repeat the same information to different representatives. (Zendesk)


According to Zondex, 90% of customers are concerned with how issues are resolved in their customer service interactions. (KPMG)


Approximately 70% of customers report that they can easily take their business to a competitor with the help of technology. (Salesforce)


In order to decide whether to do business with a company based on customer service, 90% of American consumers use this factor when making their decision. (Microsoft)


71% of consumers (age 16-24) believe that if a service team responds immediately to a customer's problem, then their customer experience will improve significantly. (Comm100)


Only 16% of those who give a service an "inferior" rating trust their company to the same extent as customers who give a "very good" rating. Almost 90% of customers trust a company whose service they rate as "very good." (Qualtrics XM Institute)


About 70% of a customer's journey is based on how they feel they are treated by the customer service department. (McKinsey)


In fact, 53% of shoppers believe their feedback isn't passed along to anyone who is able to act on it. (Microsoft)


The likelihood of a customer switching to a competitor increases by four times when the issue they are experiencing is a service-related one. (Bain and Company)


More than 90 percent of consumers believe they will be well taken care of by a company whose service has been rated as "very good" by consumers. (Qualtrics XM Institute)



A personal touch can have a powerful impact on a company


It has been reported that 70% of customers believe maintaining their business is fundamentally dependent on service agents' understanding of sales interactions. (Salesforce)


80% of customers agree that the experience a company provides is just as important as the products or services it offers. (Salesforce)


In general, 63% of consumers expect businesses to know their unique needs and expectations, while 76% of buyers in the business-to-business sector expect the same. (Salesforce Research)


There is a perception that companies must provide cutting-edge digital experiences to retain their customers, as 59% of customers believe this to be true. (Salesforce)


It has been estimated that 90% of people are more likely to trust a company that has a firm policy regarding their privacy. (Salesforce)

If you use personalized consumer experiences in your online marketing campaign, you can improve your conversion rate by 8%. (Trust Pilot)


It is reported that 88% of people trust companies which promise not to share their personal information with third parties without their permission. (Salesforce)


There is no doubt that 92% of customers appreciate businesses giving them control over what information is collected about them. (Salesforce)


In order to collect and analyze data, 23% of businesses make use of social media as a tool. (Gartner)


In exchange for context-driven interactions in which they are immediately understood and known, 79% of customers are willing to share relevant information about themselves. (Salesforce)


It has been reported that 56% of customers are willing to share their personal information in exchange for better service. (Salesforce)


In the average customer service call, agents only ask a customer's name 21% of the time. (Glance)



There is no doubt about the importance of word-of-mouth marketing


36% of consumers will share either a good or a bad experience with their customer service experience with others. Facebook is the most popular platform to share customer service experiences followed closely by Instagram. (CFI Group)


Consumers are expected to read online reviews for local businesses 87% of the time in 2020. (Bright Local)


The majority of customers will tell others about their good experiences 72% of the time. (Salesforce)


When customers have a good experience, 72% of them will tell six or more people about it. (Esteban Kolsky)


94% of American customers are more likely to recommend a company whose service they rate as "very good." (Qualtrics XM Institute)


Sixty-seven percent of customers credit a horrible customer experience with their decision to switch companies. (Esteban Kolsky)


The Qualtrics XM Institute found that only 13% of consumers would recommend a company whose customer service they rated as "very poor."


In fact, a majority of customers say they don't share their good or bad service experiences on social media. (CFI Group)


It is estimated that 33% of consumers would recommend a brand that responds quickly, but ineffectively. (Nielsen-McKinsey)


78% of consumers who complain to a company on Twitter expect to receive a response within an hour. (Lithium)


In the case of a bad experience, 13% of customers tell 15 or more people about it. (Esteban Kolsky)


In a recent study, it was found that 79% of customers who complained online had their complaints ignored. (RightNow)


Only 17% of consumers would recommend a brand that provides a slow but effective solution. (Nielsen-McKinsey)


A customer service fact shows that only one in twenty-six customers will share their negative experience with a business; the rest simply leave. (Esteban Kolsky)




Having to deal with angry customers


The fact that 21% of people had to wait too long at a hospital pharmacy made them decide not to fill their prescription there and go to another pharmacy to fill it. (Sage Journals)


Over 70 percent of customers are irritated when their calls are transferred from one department to another. (Zendesk)


The number one reason customers switch products and services is the feeling that they are unappreciated. (New Voice Media)


Customers are most frustrated when they have to wait on hold for longer than expected, and 33% of customers are most frustrated when they have to repeat themselves to different support staff. (HubSpot Research)


70% of unsatisfied customers whose problems are resolved are willing to shop with that business again if their problems are resolved. (Glance)


The most frustrating part of a service experience for nearly 60% of consumers is waiting on hold and waiting to be served. (Zendesk)


The majority of customers would prefer to be given parking tickets than to wait in a phone tree for service or to have their questions repeated multiple times between different team members. (HubSpot)


Customer service has been reported to have become angry with 35% of customers. (American Express)


Almost 27 percent of Americans report that the most frustrating aspect of customer service is ineffective service. (Statista)


The top level of customer service frustration cited by 12% of Americans is "lack of speed." (Statista)


More than seventy percent of customers say talking to multiple people about their problems is poor customer service. (Dimensional Research)


In a recent survey, 79% of consumers say that they were ignored when they complained about a bad customer experience through online feedback. (Harris Interactive)


The majority of customers (84%) report that their expectations were not exceeded by the customer service they received during their last interaction. (Harvard Business Review)


There are 78% of customers who have given up on a transaction because of a negative customer experience. (American Express)


When customers cannot reach a customer service representative, they end a call in frustration 67% of the time. (Glance)

Statistics on Customer Experience

By 2020, customer experience (CX) will become one of the key aspects of how businesses grow and increase their revenue. By using all channels to interact with the brand, customers expect an exceptional experience. With a unique customer service strategy that incorporates all channels of communication, any business can significantly improve its brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, traffic, sales, business revenue, and ultimately, profitability. 


In order to improve customer experience, there are several things you can do in order to communicate with your customers. In order to assist with this there are several platforms at your disposal. Based on the statistics of customer experience, the ultimate goal of your business should be to convert them into regular visitors who return often, regardless of the channel you employ for communication (e.g. social media, live chat, website, etc.).


Customer experience can be defined in a number of different ways.

In other words, customer experience is the perception of how your company treats your customers. As a result, these perceptions affect their behavior, and these memories and emotions play a huge role in their loyalty to the organization.


To put it another way - if they like you and continue to like you, then they are going to do business with you for a long time to come and they will also recommend you to others.


This makes it easy for us to see the importance of customer experience in so many companies today.


It is true that you must get to know your customers in order to make sure you are liked by them. In order to deliver a personalized experience, you need to invest in the long-term relationship (also known as relationship marketing), which means understanding your customer, so you can deliver a personalized experience across the entire client journey.


Gaining this kind of in-depth knowledge about a customer is something that doesn't just happen. Customer data (i.e. the voice of the customer) is something you need to collect. Then you need to harvest valuable insights with greater speed and precision from that data.


There is good news for everyone - regardless of what kind of business you run - improving the experience for your customers has been proven time and time again to increase retention, satisfaction and revenue.



The Customer Experience Statistics for 2021 are eye-opening

This is a list of some eye-opening statistics about customer experience that show why you should take the issue seriously.


60 percent of customers say they trust the reviews they read from their friends, family, and other customers when learning about new products.


A study has shown that businesses that focus on improving the customer experience gain up to 80% more revenue than those who don't.


In fact, two-thirds of companies compete based on their customer experience.


The majority of consumers (73%) say that customer experience plays a key role in their decision to buy.


A recent study suggests that 86% of customers are ready to pay more for a better customer experience if it means getting a better product or service.


You will be able to double your business' revenue in 36 months if you can improve the customer service of your business to a satisfactory level.


Sixty-seven percent of customers indicate that companies are making efforts to improve customer service.



Here are some reasons why customer experience is so important 

One of the main reasons why customer experience is so important is that customers value it. Studies have shown that customers are willing to pay more for a high level of customer service. In contrast, the number of bad experiences has been shown to result in a bad reputation and lost revenue. 


A good customer experience can lead to customers paying a premium of as much as 16 percent. (PwC)


An impressive 32% of consumers are willing to give up a brand they love if they have a bad experience with it just once. (PwC) 


More than half of U.S. consumers believe that positive experiences with a brand are more influential than advertising. (PwC)


In fact, 88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a website after a bad experience. (SWEOR)


According to a recent survey, 80% of customers think the experience that businesses provide is as important as their products and services. (Salesforce)


The customers who had the most positive experiences in the past spend 140% more than those who had the worst experiences. (Harvard Business Review)




Efforts to improve customer experience can result in an average reduction of 33% in customer care costs. (Harvard Business Review)


In fact, the differences between direct competitors in terms of their net promoter scores explain between 10% to 70% of their revenue growth differences. (Bain & Company)


More than 80 percent of consumers are more likely to purchase a product when a business offers a personalized experience. (Epsilon) 


Approximately 9 people are told about positive experiences by customers, but an average of 16 people are told about negative experiences by customers. (Deloitte) 


It has been reported that eighty percent of companies view customer experience as a competitive advantage. (Dimension Data)


There is no question that 90% of CEOs believe that the biggest influence on a company's strategies comes from customers. (PWC)



Now more than ever, the customer experience is crucial

The customer experience is becoming increasingly important as the years go by. In the new digital age, customers expect seamless experiences enabled by technology to ensure a seamless experience.  


Sixty-seven percent of consumers say they are looking for better experiences than they did ten years ago. (Salesforce)


Eighty-one percent of businesses compete primarily based on how well they treat their customers. (Gartner)


It is estimated that 67% of the business leaders believe their businesses will not be competitive if they do not embrace digital transformation. (Gartner) 



The ways in which businesses are failing to deliver 

Customer experience is one of the most important factors for businesses to succeed. It seems, however, that many businesses aren't living up to their customers' expectations. 


A majority of customers - 51% - report that most businesses aren't able to meet their expectations in terms of customer service. (Salesforce)


Consumers are disappointed by 82% of the brands they buy. (Oracle)


There are many organizations that recognize the importance of digital transformation, however their operations are simply not ready yet. 


According to 72% of strategists in corporate organizations, their companies' digital efforts are failing to meet revenue expectations. (Harvard Business Review) 


70 percent of employees lack mastery over the skills they need in order to be successful in their jobs. (Gartner)



Experiences on mobile devices are important 

It has become more and more common for customers to search for solutions on their smartphones these days. Businesses must adapt and make sure they are delivering a fantastic mobile experience in order to be competitive. 


It is estimated that 52% of website traffic occurs on mobile devices. (Statista)


Almost 90% of customers have had a poor experience when seeking customer service support through their mobile devices. (Software Advice)


It is estimated that 84% of CIOs are concerned about the mobile customer experience. (Vision Critical)



Businesses want their customers to have a better experience when interacting with them 

Any person who has called a business but been left on hold or went straight to voicemail knows that customer interaction is an essential part of the customer experience. It's not enough for customers to be satisfied with just phone and email support in 2022. There are plenty of convenient methods by which customers can communicate, including livechat, text messaging, Facebook messenger, Google messenger, Instagram messenger, and more. However, it is also important they receive some kind of human touch. 


The number of customers who are satisfied with business communication is only 14%. (EY)


According to our research, 59% of customers feel that brands have lost touch with the human element of the customer experience. (PwC)


In spite of the fact that 89% of customers want businesses to utilize text messaging for communication, only 48% of businesses are equipped to handle text messages. (Twilio)


It has been reported that 79% of businesses believe live chat has a positive effect on sales, revenue, and customer loyalty. (Kayako) 




At least three different channels of communication are used by 66% of customers. (Microsoft)


There are 60% of customers who want to interact with a live person. (Oracle)


59% of customers believe tailoring interactions based on past engagements could be the key to winning their business. (Salesforce)


Virtual assistants and chatbots will be used by 25% of companies in the near future. (Gartner)


In a recent survey, 57% of businesses claim that chatbots deliver a high ROI with little effort. (Accenture)



Customer Experience Statistics in General

Following are some statistics that will give you an idea of why customer experience has become one of the most important factors in business growth.


60 percent of customers say they trust the reviews they read from their friends, family, and other customers when learning about new products.

(Source: Hubspot)


We all don't want to go shopping only to find out that the product we bought wasn't what we expected. It is important that you read reviews before you make a purchase because they give you a glimpse into a product's features and benefits. They make sure that their customers are aware of what to expect when they shop and are satisfied when they leave. 


A study has shown that businesses that focus on improving the customer experience gain up to 80% more revenue than those who don't.

(Source: Forbes)


Considering the marketing customer experience statistics, it stands to reason that improving customer experience comes down to making data-driven decisions. There is a good chance that they are going to revisit your business in the future if you do this. You will also be able to get recommendations from them to others, which inadvertently results in a larger number of sales.


There are two-thirds of companies that compete based on the customer experience.

(Source: Forbes)


In 2010, only 36% of companies were competing on the basis of customer experience in the world. There is no doubt that marketing has changed from being a fundamental differentiator based upon price and product to being able to differentiate based upon the customer experience, which is now taking center stage.


Customer experience is an aspect that drives 73% of customers to make a buying decision based on the experience.

(Source: PWC)


It is essential to remember that excellent customer service begins even before your customers ever make contact with your company, and it does not just end when they are satisfied with your product. Consider how many times you have left a website that took an excessively long time to load just because the page was too slow to load. If you want to avoid this, make sure you are using a good website building service, backed up by reliable hosting service.


In addition, how many times have you purchased a product just because the seller offered free delivery or installation as well? In order to successfully gain your customers' trust, you would need to make the buyer journey convenient, engaging, and flexible enough to meet their needs. Based on statistics related to customer satisfaction, this drastically increases your chances of them purchasing from you again.


The majority of consumers (86%) say they would be willing to pay more if it meant they could experience a better customer experience.

(Source: Super Office)


I wonder if anyone doesn't want a proper treatment at some point. Is there anyone who would not want to deal with a brand that goes the extra mile in making sure that the buyer's journey is as stress-free as possible? It turns out that according to customer experience statistics for 2021, customers are willing to spend as much as 13% to 18% more for a product or service as long as the customer experience is excellent. 


The revenue of your business could double if you can improve the level of customer service you provide to your customers to a satisfactory level within 36 months.

(Source: Super Office)


From various angles in your business, the customer experience (CX) helps you to increase sales and save money at the same time. Let us take, as an example, the issue of employee onboarding and engagement. By ensuring that your CX system is an excellent one, you are already ensuring that your workforce is engaged. The fact that your company's employee retention rate increases with the inclusion of a highly engaged workforce is a fact regarding customer experience. As a result, you will be saving yourself the expense of new hires and their onboarding, which can run into millions of dollars. 



According to 49% of consumers, they have made impulse purchases after experiencing an excellent, personalized personal experience with a brand.

(Source: Dot Digital)


Increasing sales and increasing revenue can be directly linked with personalizing the customer experience. This creates products or services which are tailored to meet the individual needs of customers. Statistics have shown that, based on customer buying experience statistics, marketing personalization should begin as soon as you exchange your first message with a client right up until they make their purchase. According to recent research findings, a majority of customer experience professionals believe that more personalization of communication is the key to improving customer experience.


Business owners are concerned about improving their customer experience for a number of reasons, among them increasing customer retention and satisfaction, plus improving upselling and cross-selling.

(Source: Super Office)


The customer is the lifeblood of any business. In the event that you are not trying to keep your customers happy, then they will not stay with your company too long. It is only when your customers believe that your brand is excellent that they will remain loyal to it. Once you have established a loyal customer, you have a greater chance of success when upselling and cross-selling other products to them. A study conducted on customer experience statistics shows that the reasons businesses may be interested in improving customer experience are improved cross-selling and up-selling (42%), better customer retention (33%), and better customer satisfaction (32%). The impact on the bottom line of any business can be significantly positive by addressing some or all of these factors.


The customer experience is a priority for 88% of businesses in their entire contact center network.

(Source: Sharpen CX)


According to research conducted by a company called Digital Customer Experience, contact centers are shared facilities used by large organizations to handle all types of customer communications. This can be done via email, phone calls, faxes, social media handles, or even live chat. In the near future, these contact centers will be equipped with the ability to respond to customer needs in a more timely manner and to engage one-on-one with them via varied means of communication. These all serve as ways to enhance the customer's experience in a positive way.


Over eighty percent of business leaders agree that exceptional customer experience is a must in order for a company to succeed.

(Source: Smart Insights)


When it comes to choosing which business to work with, prospective customers look out for the customer experience factor when making their decision. Quite a few businesses offer similar services, but not all of them can deliver the same level of service to their customers. It is reported that the majority of business leaders believe that customer experience is one of the most important aspects of their businesses. However, 11% feel that customer experience is at least somewhat important. In fact, less than 2% of companies say that customer service is neither very important nor not important at all.




The impact of customer experience on business

The customer experience and profitability statistics indicate that when you deliver a great customer experience, you will have a greater chance of gaining more customers and making more sales. The following are some of the impacts that customer experience may have on any business.


Customer experience is a key driver of revenue growth for businesses, which have a 4-8% higher revenue increase than their competitors.

(Source: Forbes)


There is so much competition in the market today that businesses have the best chance of succeeding if they offer the best customer experience. If your brand has previously had an interaction with your customers, then they will probably return to do business with you again in the future. Furthermore, according to B2B customer experience statistics, you get free referrals from clients who are satisfied with the service provided to them.


In response to a poor customer experience with a brand, 89% of consumers have moved to a competitor.

(Source: Lumoa)


What is the number of times you have abandoned a shopping cart due to the difficulty of making the purchase? It is likely that you have done so many times. If you are a business owner, you know how bad it can be to have poor customer service. In addition, most of these customers are likely to leave without telling you why they left.


Compared to companies that do not focus on customers, customer-focused companies are 1.4 times more likely to increase their revenue.

(Source: Forrester)


As a result of customer experience value statistics, the lifetime value of the customer also increases by 1.6x for companies which place an emphasis on customer service. When a workforce is highly engaged, things tend to be done faster and more efficiently. Additionally, a great customer experience will increase loyalty to your brand, and customer lifetime value will increase as a result.




By 2022, businesses will have to spend $641 billion on customer experience technologies.

(Source: Statista)


In recent years, a growing number of companies have begun to recognize the importance of the customer experience. Consequently, this has led to an increase in investment in technologies like Big Data, artificial intelligence, and data analytics that bring about actionable customer insights. This knowledge can be applied in a variety of ways in order to improve the customer experience. A total of $471 billion was spent in 2018 on technologies related to customer service. It was reported that at the end of 2019, that figure had grown to $508 billion. It is anticipated that the number will rise even further in coming years, given that many companies have yet to jump on board the customer experience bandwagon.


 According to surveys conducted by market research firms, 74% of customers are most likely to switch brands if their favorite brand's purchasing experience is a bad one.

(Source: iPerceptions)


The most effective means by which to drive customers away is to make the purchase process a difficult one. Customer satisfaction research statistics reveal that convenience is one of the most important factors in providing a satisfying experience to customers. Your customers will probably choose your competitor if they do not feel comfortable when dealing with your customer service department.


A customer experience mindset will help companies drive revenues that are 4-8 percent higher than those of their competitors in the same industry.


More than two-thirds of companies compete on customer experience now, compared with just 36% of companies five years ago.


By nearly 80%, companies with a superior customer experience outperform their laggard peers.


The majority of companies who work to improve the customer experience report an increase in their revenue as a result of improving customer service.


The number of companies that provide an above-average level of customer satisfaction is 73% higher than that of their competitors.


It has been estimated that 96% of customers cite customer service as an important factor in choosing to remain loyal to brands.


Eighty-three percent of companies that place importance on the importance of making customers happy also report growing revenues.


Customer experience is a deciding factor that leads to more revenue for brands that provide superior customer service compared to those that don't provide outstanding service.


73% of consumers agree that the quality of their experience dictates whether they will stay loyal to a brand.


More than seventy seven percent of consumers agree that having an inefficient customer experience affects their quality of life.


Customers-centric companies have a 60% higher rate of profitability than companies that aren't focused on customers.


The cost to U.S. companies of losing customers because of poor service amounts to $1.6 trillion annually.


The likelihood of loyal customers purchasing again and the likelihood of their referring a friend to the company is five times greater than the average customer.


Consumers in this country are willing to spend 17 percent more if they know that a company with a good reputation will offer great service.


There is a 1.5 times greater level of engagement among employees of companies that excel in customer service than companies that are not as customer-centric.


An organization that focuses on improving customer service is more likely to have its employee engagement increase by 20% on average.


There is a 147% outperformance between companies with engaged employees and those that don't.


In fact, 81% of companies view customer experience as one of their competitive differentiators.


In accordance with the survey, 68% of customers believe a positive experience with a service representative is crucial.


Customer switching is due to the fact that they feel unappreciated as being the top reason for switching brands.


It is estimated that 64% of companies with a customer-focused CEO believe that they are more profitable than their rivals.



According to CEOs surveyed, a top investment priority for them is to rally organizations around customers.


It is a well-known fact that 90% of CEOs believe that the most important part of their business is the customer.


Those who lead company-wide customer experience initiatives are more likely to have senior executives as well.


22% of Fortune 100 companies employ a C-level customer officer, compared to 10% of Fortune 500 companies and 6% of Fortune 1000 companies.


90 percent of CEOs believe that customers play the most significant role in shaping the strategy of their companies.


Customer experience is considered by 75% of customer experience management executives as one of the most important factors for their business.


A CEO who has made customer experience a priority has been found to increase revenue growth in 59% of companies, and only 40% of companies without a customer-focused CEO had reported growth.


Three quarters of CEOs state that customer experience is the most effective method of gaining a competitive advantage, which is the most common answer.


90% of the executives who used data analytics reported that they were able to deliver a better customer experience as a result of using their data analytics.


According to one study, 77% of consumers view brands more favorably if they seek out and use customer feedback.


Within three years of investing in customer experience, companies earning $1 billion a year will gain an average amount of $700 million as a result of the improvement.


A positive brand experience is told to an average of nine different people, but a negative brand experience is told to an average of 16 people.


Sixty-nine percent of Americans say they will be more inclined to shop with brands that provide consistency in store and online.


There are companies that reduce their cost of service by 15-20% when they use tools like customer journey maps.


Those firms which have embraced digital transformation have an average profit margin of 26% higher than their peers.


In comparison with the bottom 10 companies, the companies that exhibited the most empathy increased their value by nearly twice as much.


By providing an excellent customer experience, you can cut the cost of serving your customers by as much as 33%.


There is no doubt that the cloud has played a major role in influencing customer experiences in 71% of the companies.


More than half of companies feel it is very important to improve their data analysis for the purpose of improving their customer experience.


In order to get a value-for-money offer from brands, two-thirds of customers are willing to share their personal information with those brands.


An individual who reports a negative experience is likely to spend 140% more than one who reports a positive experience.


In the United States, 70% of people have spent more money to conduct business with a company that provides excellent service.


A study conducted by Experian found that companies that build relationships with their customers on an emotional level outperform their competitors by 85%.


By implementing a 2% increase in customer retention, you can increase your profits by 10% as well as by cutting costs by 2%.


Almost 87 percent of customers who had a great experience say they would purchase another item from the company, as opposed to 18 percent of customers who had a bad experience.


The majority of marketers have been adapting their strategies and tactics in response to customer feedback and interactions.


Customers say that 80 percent of them would be more likely to do business with a company if it offered them a personalized experience.


In our survey, 75% of marketers said they would be responsible for the end-to-end experience over the lifetime of the customer.


More than half of marketing leaders say their companies have used online customer data more frequently in the last two years, and more than 70 percent anticipate using online data more in the next two years.




Customer Experience Statistics That Are Positive

This is a list of some positive customer experience statistics that indicate just how important customer experience is to an organization's success.


In the opinion of 70% of customers, excellent service should be convenient, fast, and helpful, and all of these aspects should be delivered in a friendly manner.

(Source: Adobe)


Having the above qualities on your customer service team is a foundation for a successful customer experience team, as confirmed by the statistics in the Customer Experience Report. If the goal is to deliver an exceptional customer experience throughout the buyer's journey, then these are not qualities to take for granted.


It has been proven that a positive customer experience encounter can increase customer spend by as much as 140%.

(Source: Deloitte)


If their previous experiences with you have been good, people will probably deal with your brand in a much larger capacity, they will become more loyal to it, and they will likely recommend it to others if they had a positive experience with it previously.


It is estimated that 87% of consumers would consider making another purchase from a brand after having experienced a very good experience with them in the past.

(Source: Experience Matters)


The point I have been trying to make throughout this article is the same one I have tried to make from the outset. Customers would become loyal once they have a fast, convenient, friendly, consistent, and accessible customer service department. However, according to statistics provided by the Customer Experience Survey, only 18% of customers would return if they had a truly miserable experience with your brand.


It is estimated that 72% of customers who are happy with their experience will tell their story to six or more people.

(Source: Nice Reply)


Even though this is certainly an excellent development, customer experience stats also show that 13% of customers are likely to tell 15 or more people about their bad experience.


As a business, one of the best approaches is to make your customers happy by ensuring they have a good experience by ensuring that they have the best possible interaction with your business.



Statistics on Bad Customer Experiences

The problem is that a bad customer experience can lead to the loss of your brand reputation, customers, and more importantly, money. Below you will find the statistics related to bad customer experiences.


There are 57% of customers who say that they will not recommend a brand that has a poorly designed website that has not been optimized for mobile devices.

(Source: Sweor, Statista)


It has been proven that mobile usage has been on the rise for the past decade. In the first quarter of 2021, it represented 70% of all the traffic on the internet worldwide.


The 3.9 billion potential customers your business can potentially attract if your website is not optimized for mobile is a missed opportunity if you do not optimize it for mobile users.


If a website is not mobile-friendly, 50% of customers will not visit it anymore.

(Source: True List)


In terms of ease, speed, convenience, and cost-effectiveness, conducting business on the mobile device has a lot to offer. This is why you should find a way to make your business appear on mobile devices as soon as possible. It is highly likely that your competitors have optimized their websites for mobile devices as well, and if you don't do the same, then you will soon be out of business.


After experiencing two or more negative customer experiences with that same brand, 92% of people would then forget about that brand.

(Source: Super Office)


The customer experience statistics show that one out of three customers will forget about a brand after just one negative experience. In order to survive the current market, you cannot ignore the importance of providing a great customer experience.


A customer's bad experience with a brand will only be reported directly to the brand if she has had a bad experience with that brand.

(Source: Smart Insights)


In addition to that, 33.7% of these customers are likely to tell their family and friends about their poor customer service experience via the telephone, the internet, or in person. A further 10.7% of these customers will prefer to write about their bad experience on Facebook as a result of their bad experience. Meanwhile, 4.5% of your customers would prefer to do the same on Twitter. Approximately 9.9% of customers would leave a negative review on a third-party blog reEven one negative experience with a customer can have a significant impact on your brand's reputation as a whole.nificantly affect your brand’s reputation. This is more reason why customer experience needs proper attention.


What are the trends for customer experience in 2021?

There are a number of trends taking over the market and have quickly become a norm for businesses today, in order to create a better customer experience.


It appears that omnichannel experiences are now one of the top priorities for 80% of the organizations that I have spoken with.

(Source: Super Office)


An omnichannel approach is generally defined as a multichannel approach whose sole purpose is to offer clients seamless shopping experiences, regardless of which sales channel they choose. A number of ways are available today for you to conduct business, including by mobile, desktop, tablet, phone, or even in-store. A number of channels are available today but the level of customer service remains unchanged regardless of which channel is used. 


As per customer experience statistics from 2010, we had only 20% of companies investing in the omnichannel experience in 2010 worldwide. It has only been recently that most businesses have begun to incorporate it into their infrastructure, and we can expect for even more to follow the same trend in the coming years.


The companies that develop the best omnichannel experiences for their customers are able to achieve a 10% year-over-year growth.

(Source: Adobe)


The omnichannel experience, in addition to addressing the aforementioned issues, goes a long way toward improving your retention rates and reducing your cost per lead. The customer journey is seamless, convenient, and highly engaging when your brand embraces the omnichannel approach. Thus you will have a higher chance of retaining them in the long run. In addition to the increased retention rate, you spend less money acquiring new customers since your retained customers are more likely to come back to make more purchases and recommend your services to others. 


A whopping 84% of companies that are customer-centric are now focused on improving their mobile customer experience.

(Source: Super Office)


Enhancing the customer experience is a good thing, but it must be done across all your communication channels. Today there is more time spent on mobile than any other device that customers use. This is according to customer statistics. The improvement of the mobile user experience will not only result in increased sales, but will also help you increase your brand's popularity.


More than two-thirds of respondents (67%) said that they would prefer to use self-service over the telephone.

(Source: Zen Desk)


It is becoming a norm for customers to use self-service, and they are already raving about it. They are all more likely and capable of doing their own sourcing if there is a possibility that they can do so on their own, but this is true of the millennials in particular. During this stage, your job is to make sure that your shop is easy to navigate and that they are provided with the tools and information they need in order to do so. 


I think that by the year 2023, AI and machine learning will handle about 40% of all customer interactions.

(Source: Super Office)


It's an important breakthrough technology that has been applied across a variety of industries across the globe, and it's one of the most crucial developments in the field of science. Customer service is one such sector that it has been applied to. Using machine learning and other AI-related tools, bots have been designed to be capable of handling customer communications 24/7 with the aid of machine learning. As of 2018, customer service statistics show that only 25% of customer interactions were being automated via artificial intelligence and machine learning.


According to a recent survey, 90% of business leaders who are utilizing data analytics reports reported that their customer experience has improved significantly.

(Source: Forbes)


In order to help you draw insight from your customers' data, data analytics can be used to draw insights about their needs and wants. It is becoming more and more obvious that companies not using data analytics in today's market are phasing out because those with the right data will always be miles ahead of the competition and get the most sales. There are many reasons why the data visualization market has been on the rise for the last few years. 

Eighty-seven percent of businesses believe that traditional experiences are no longer sufficient to satisfy their customers.

(Source: Nice Reply)


Since there is a lot of competition in the market nowadays, "good" customer experiences won't cut it anymore because of the abundance of competition. These days, discounts, fast responses and other forms of customer satisfaction are simply insufficient to satisfy customers.


Therefore, in order to ensure a superior customer experience, you need to go beyond the call of duty. The only way you can wow your customers and maintain the base of your users is if you do this.


In order to create a great customer experience, consistency is essential.

(Source: Astute Solutions)


Every customer experience counts when it comes to ensuring a positive customer experience. Statistics regarding customer satisfaction indicate that around 65% of customers become loyal to businesses that deliver a pleasant customer experience at every touch point with them. 


In the United States, 69% of adults say they prefer shopping at retailers who consistently deliver good customer service, both in-store and online.


What are the main points to take away from this? It is important to maintain a consistently good level of customer service at all times.


In conclusion, I would like to thank you for your time.

It is essential to check out customer experience statistics, as they will help you gain a better understanding of the current state of the market. The fact of the matter is that there are just too many competitors in the market, and they would gladly switch to anyone of them if you gave them the chance to receive unsatisfactory results.

Stats about Customer Engagement

Are businesses really about what they claim to be? Products or services? How about profits? I guess we can also count on that as well. They are about people, and that is what matters most. It is the story we tell about people that matters most.  As a result, you should use that story in a way that engages your customers and drives them to return for more. 


Customer satisfaction is always the most important thing:


Almost eighty-six percent of buyers (86%) would be willing to pay more for better customer service.


 It is worth noting that 54% of the customers believe that companies must fundamentally transform how they engage with their customers.


The majority of customers believe that the best way to entice and engage them is through surprise gifts and offers.


 If given a discount, 30% of lapsed app users said that they would return to the app if offered a discount.


According to 64% of the customers, tailored engagement based on past interactions is what they expect from brands.


Sixty-seven percent of customers prefer to do their own thing rather than speak to a company representative.


There is a 52% reduction in customer engagement caused by a bad mobile experience, according to the study.


Statistics about the Customer Engagement Industry:


 Within the next few years, AI and machine learning will be used to automate almost forty percent of all customer interactions.


More than three-quarters of companies don't ask their customers for feedback on their interactions regularly.


 In comparison to those visitors that are not re-targeted, there is a 70% greater likelihood of converting re-targeted visitors.


Pricing and quality have a significant influence on consumer engagement, with 81%, 80%, and 55% respectively. 




Statistics on Customer Engagement Best Practices:


Approximately 75% of marketers believe that the highest level of engagement occurs at the middle and/or end of the marketing funnel.


It is a proven fact that almost 78% of customers prefer omni-channel customer engagement.


Those customers who are fully engaged have a 23% higher share of profitability, revenue, and relationship growth compared to those who are not fully engaged.


Successful B2B companies realize a 63% lower customer attrition rate when they engage their customers effectively. In addition to this, they also manage to increase their share of wallet by 55%, and their productivity by 50%.


The mobile app audience grew by 31% year-over-year in 2020, as compared to 16% in 2019.


It has taken roughly five years for the shift towards e-commerce to accelerate since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

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An average of 94% of consumers who rate a company as "very good" in terms of their CX are likely to buy from that company more products or services in the future.

Make sure that you are there for your customers at every stage of their customer journey so that they can have a seamless and relevant experience.


In the United States, 28% of consumers want to be able to pay for goods using their smartphones at all times.

There are a lot of reasons to believe that mobile wallets are a good channel and tool for the customer and for the brand. Customers adore the convenience of always having up-to-date coupons, tickets, boarding passes, and loyalty cards at their fingertips. Moreover, mobile wallet passes are incredibly popular because they create a whole new channel for engaging customer's on mobile - without the need to download an app.


52% of customers expect that offers will always be personalized, up from 49% of customers in 2019.

With a multi-channel approach that delivers meaningful, personalized messages, you can show your customers that you understand and appreciate their business, in order to build their loyalty. 


According to a recent survey, 81% of Americans own smartphones, up from 35% only four years ago.

To meet the high expectations of their customers, brands need to offer excellent mobile experience to meet the high demands of their customers.


By the year 2020, there will be more than 80 percent of companies investing in an omni-channel customer experience, up from 20% in the year 2000.

I think it's important to engage customers where they are, and give them access to your messages and products in a way that is convenient to them. You can find more information about cross-channel acquisition by visiting our website. 


According to the latest reports, consumer spending on mobile will reach $102B in 2020, up 2.1x from 2016.

Don't miss out on your customers when they're on the go, especially on their mobile devices. The Airship platform's open architecture makes it easy to reach customers on any device or channel to drive purchases and drive loyalty.


In 2019, there were 1 trillion accesses to finance apps around the world, a remarkable increase of 100% over 2017.

Make sure your customers are able to stay connected to their money by providing more ways to do so and personalizing every interaction with your company. Using any device or channel, you can send real-time and valuable messages in an intuitive, intuitive way.


Only 29% of consumers say that they are actually able to get a seamless experience across all channels, even though 71% of consumers believe they should.

We offer a customer engagement platform that's designed for the future, so you have maximum flexibility to optimize the channels you're using now while being able to easily integrate new channels - via a centralized interface.


 The number of shoppers who prioritize reliability (70%) and convenience (68%) when making online purchasing decisions continues to rise.


The number of average app opens per user and the number of average notifications opened directly from the app have both increased 29% since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As your customer enters the acquisition phase, you want to make sure they see - quickly - how your products and services will make their lives much easier once they start using them.


There are 76% of customers who prefer different channels depending on the context in which they are dealing.

Any time your brand engages with your customers, they expect a seamless experience no matter where they are. In order to create meaningful customer experiences that are coordinated across all of your channels, it is essential to have a centralized place where customer messages are coordinated across all of your channels.


According to the Pew Research Center, roughly 60% of U.S. adults get news on a mobile device, while 30% of them get news on a desktop or laptop computer.


After experiencing a bad experience with a brand they love, 32% of consumers will decide to no longer purchase from that brand.




Engaging customers in a successful manner


Netflix was the leading brand in the category of online entertainment, achieving a ranking of 89% based on how well the brand met consumer expectations compared to the consumer-driven and category-specific ideal.

It is a source of information that Statista provides.

Any business that wishes to succeed must be able to engage its customers actively. The way to accomplish that effectively is by ensuring that customer expectations are met at all times. As part of Netflix's effort to learn what their subscribers really want to see on their platform, they analyzed search history to determine what they would like to see. It is also worth noting that many of their customers are quite satisfied with the fact that they don't have to pitch their ideas, but are gradually able to see their desired shows on the streaming platform.


It is estimated that more than 60% of failed customer support calls could have been resolved with better data access. (Source: IBM)

In order to establish successful customer engagement with your customers, you can gain access to data that will help you gain better insights into their behavior. If you want your operators to be able to answer your customers' questions more effectively, you need to ensure that they have a better understanding of the products and services you offer. It gives you the opportunity to keep customers engaged with the brand and also helps to boost the brand's loyalty.


With extensive personalization utilizing the next best action, the average revenue per user increases by 166%. (Source: IBM)

In my opinion, this is one of the most important points in customer engagement and one that no company should miss out on. When the business provides a customized support experience to their customers, it becomes a straightforward process not just to increase customer engagement, but to increase revenue as well.


In fact, 79% of consumers state that the ability to speak to knowledgeable store associates is "important" or "very important." (Source: Microsoft)

You need to make sure not only your store associates, but also your support operators, have a considerable amount of knowledge of a process, if you want to keep your customer engagement high. This is due to the fact that more than 80% of customers find that to be an essential quality. These potent statistics on customer engagement will help you realize that by keeping your customer service agents up-to-date regarding product upgrades, you can engage them in an effective and active manner.


As a result of the above-mentioned successful customer engagement statistics, we can conclude that keeping a close eye on the customer expectations, proactively keeping operators informed about product updates and improvements, and offering personalized support will result in active customer engagement.




The benefits of customer engagement


An average customer who is successful in engaging their customers represents an average 23% higher share of wallet, profitability, revenue, and relationship growth as compared to an average customer. (Source: Gallup)

If you want your business to grow its revenue successfully, don't ignore such statistics on customer engagement as they can help your business achieve success. As a result of successfully engaging your customers, you would be able to receive benefits such as higher profits, increased revenue, and improved customer relationship growth for your business.


In the consumer electronics industry, the most engaged customers bring in 44% more revenue, and the hospitality industry brings in 46% more revenue from fully engaged customers.

(Source: Cognizant)

In my opinion, this shows just how important customer engagement is for businesses to grow and succeed. That is one of the reasons why business owners are encouraged to develop strategies that would allow them to develop dynamic relationships with the customers naturally.


Customers who actively engage with their primary banking institution, compared to actively disengaged customers, bring 37% more revenue to their primary bank each year.

(Source: Gallup)

A study that has been conducted on customer engagement in the retail banking sector has also shown that correct strategies can be used to increase annual revenue, based on the findings.


Businesses that have been successful in engaging their B2B customers have reported 63% lower customer attrition rates. (Source: Gallup)

Engagement with customers does not only benefit B2C businesses, it has benefits for B2B sectors as well. A B2B organization can easily lower customer attrition with an effective customer engagement strategy.


There was a 55% higher share of wallet for companies that engaged their B2B customers successfully. (Source: Gallup)

This statistic about customer engagement totally proves how a business can earn more profits by implementing good strategies for customer engagement - so it is all the more important to get the best strategies in place to allow a business to prosper.


Companies that engage their B2B customers successfully report 50% higher productivity than those who do not. (Source: Gallup)

The benefits of customer engagement strategies are not limited to the fact that they lead to greater revenues and profits, but it is something that should not be ignored. A clear example of how good customer engagement strategies also result in improved employee productivity can be seen in the above statistic on customer engagement.


This section clearly states what all benefits a company can attain by working on their engagement strategies by taking into account the statistics on customer engagement in this section. Additionally, it helps businesses increase profits and employee productivity as well as increasing revenue.




Challenges in Customer Engagement



By the time your customers engage with you actually, 57% of a purchase decision has already been made. (Source: Oracle)

There is a chance that your sales team or the support team might not have the opportunity to actually interact with the customers and keep them engaged with the brand or its products. One of the most challenging aspects of a customer engagement strategy comes down to the technical side.


Just 34% of complaints regarding goods and services were based on the quality or reliability of the goods or services, while 62% of complaints were based on the attitudes or competencies of staff members. (Source: Deloitte)

Another challenge that this customer engagement stat discusses is the staff that fails to engage visitors actively on the website. It is therefore important to train your staff on a regular basis. It is important to note that this will increase the chances of not losing customers and create a great customer engagement equation.


It is interesting to note that most respondents (81%) are most concerned with getting their questions answered and, surprisingly, only 19% wish for companies to be aware of their mood and respond accordingly. (Source: Verint)

According to this customer engagement statistic, it is evident that customers refrain from communicating their moods to companies 19% of the time when they are seeking support.



In fact, 88% of consumers believe that online reviews are as trustworthy as personal recommendations. (Source: Verint)

If you've put a lot of effort into engaging with your customers, they will leave you awesome feedback if you have really executed on this. If you do not do any of this, then you may end up facing lots of complaints online, which can lead to fewer visits on your website and a reduced conversion rate.


Since 2014, the trust consumers have in retail stores and manufacturers has declined by over half. (Source: Deloitte)

When customer trust levels continue to erode at such a rapid pace, it will become all the more important for businesses to interact with their customers on an ongoing basis.


The customer engagement statistics collected for 2021 definitely indicate that one of the things your business will have to work towards is developing stronger customer engagement strategies, specifically given all the challenges that will need to be overcome.




Expectations of Customer Engagement


Among consumers, 91% said they would be more inclined to shop with a brand that offers personalized offers and makes recommendations relevant to them, and 83% said they were willing to share their data in order to accomplish this. (Source: Accenture)

In the coming years, customer expectations are expected to grow even more. You must make sure that you learn them before beginning any sales process with them, so that you can guarantee the success of your sales process.


There is a 9X greater likelihood that leads generated by the website will convert if they are followed-up within 5 minutes. (Source: Oracle)

In order to engage your customers, you need to follow up as soon as possible. This is one of the customer engagement facts that clearly shows that if you don't learn how to follow up with qualified leads as quickly as possible, then it is unlikely you will convert them.


There is no doubt that over 95% of buyers choose to work with a company that provides ample, relevant information to guide them through every stage of the buying process.

(Source: Oracle)

As your business enters the purchasing lifecycle, you need to provide knowledgeable inputs to customers so as to stand true to the expectation that your business will stand true. As long as your operators are actively engaged, they will be able to bring more business to you during this time.


It has been reported that more than 60% of customers interact through multiple channels and that they expect consistency regardless of time, place, device, or medium.

(Source: Deloitte)

One of the keys to success is consistency - one of those sayings that you don't just repeat out of habit. Ensure that you and your team are open to utilizing a number of different mediums for engagement when creating an active engagement strategy so that the customer understands that you are approachable and can openly engage with them when they are ready.


In today's market, every business is under pressure to meet the expectations of their customers when it comes to engagement. This statistic is a testament to the fact that companies are looking for engagement. It is important to recognize your returning visitors, you should engage qualified prospects instantly, and you should provide knowledgeable information, which results in sales, while remaining consistent across all platforms of communication.




Engagement of mobile customers


It is estimated that 78% of consumers use a mobile device when interacting with a business for support and customer service. When working with millennial consumers, the figure rises to 90%. (Source: Genesys)

Make sure that when you are planning customer engagement strategies for your business, you also take into account the use of mobile devices. The quickest and easiest way to ensure that your team is able to engage with customers as they happen is to ensure that they have access to such tools so they can work wherever they happen to be. This does not mean that they are restricted to working only from a computer screen.


It is estimated that about half of all consumers will use mobile messaging apps for customer support and service. (Source: Genesys)

It is clear that this is one of the trends in customer engagement that everybody knows about. However, your customer engagement strategy needs to revolve around such trends and facts in order to make sure that you are able to easily implement them for achieving successful customer engagement.








A majority of millennials (72%) believe that a phone call is not the best method of resolving customer service issues. (Source: IBM)

Another point clarified by these statistics on customer engagement is another possible pain point for customers - phone support. It is extremely rare that we hear about customer complaints on the phone these days because companies have tools such as live chat software, ticketing software, and self-help centers. These tools are available to you as well. By taking advantage of these tools, you will be able to reduce the time it takes to reply to customer inquiries.


There is nothing more satisfying for your customers than being able to connect with a business no matter where they may be. The other side of the equation is that if you give your operators this facility to provide timely support and engagement services to customers, you'll be able to cover more customers in one go. Additionally, you will be able to make sure that you don't miss out on the customer support queries.




The impact of customer engagement on sales


A hotel guest that is fully engaged spends 46 percent more per year than a guest who is actively disengaged. (Source: Gallup)

You will appreciate seeing your customers spending more money on your services if you invest in customer engagement strategies.


The current state of digital buyer penetration worldwide is 46.4% and will increase to 47.3% by the end of 2018 - this was estimated. (Source: Amasty)

There is a lot that can be said about how digital customers are important to a business, and while creating engagement strategies, don't forget to include such customers as well. When approaching your business, seek out various platforms that they are comfortable with.


As a result of the statistics under this section of customer engagement, you can safely assume that if you invest in building smart strategies, your sales will likely increase.




Engaging customers in a personalized manner


There are 45% of baby boomers (age 55 and over) who value privacy over personalization. (Source: Genesys)

In the past, we have used customer engagement statistics as a way to understand how we need to better understand our customers so we can engage with them and provide them with awesome products. While getting to know our customers is important, the need to protect their privacy is also a concern, and they will not willingly give up their privacy to interact with a brand. It is also very important that you make sure that regardless of what kind of live chat software or customer relationship management platform you choose to use, it is secure enough to protect your customer information.


Marketers still rank personalization as the most important factor in their marketing plans, with 36% choosing to deliver personalized experiences in real time as their top priority, and 40% choosing to do so with their agencies.

(Source: Adobe)

In order to create a meaningful connection with your customers, it is essential to create a personal, engaging conversation so they recognize the effort you put forth. If you are going to do this, however, make sure that you are able to use the right customer service tools.


A total of 38% of all digital revenues are influenced by personalization.

(Source: Microsoft)

As an effective way to keep your customers happy with your services, you need to personalize conversations with them while interacting with them. This is because delighted customers are equivalent to more business for your company.


In fact, 70% of consumers say that understanding their individual needs influences their loyalty to a company, and 69% say that personalized customer care influences their loyalty as well. (Source: Microsoft)

Providing personalized customer service experience to your customers is a challenging task that requires operators to be very mindful of. Your customer service experience will have a direct impact on their purchase decision and thus your revenues.


The majority of consumers believe that getting a tailored experience across all digital channels within a brand is an important aspect. (Source: Microsoft)

It is always a good idea to use more than one channel for both support and sales in order to keep your customers engaged with your brand. If you want to personalize your website, make sure you maintain the same standard across all platforms.


The major part of your operators' responsibility, therefore, is to think about a wide range of factors that can have an impact on the decision-making process of the customers. The fact that your operators should think about securing customers' information and making them realize their importance through a personalized support process are just a few of the things they should bear in mind when engaging with clients.




Engagement of Customers and Its Impact


There are 18% of those surveyed who stated that providing more personalized, targeted engagements and experiences for their customers will be one of their top three priorities in the coming year. (Source: Statista)

While providing customer support, your operator should focus on factors such as conversational personalization, constant engagement, and the overall experience when providing customer support.


There is a 147% difference between companies with highly engaged employees and their competitors. (Source: Microsoft)

This statistic indicates that you should also invest in your employees when it comes to customer engagement. You won't be able to gain a competitive advantage if you don't invest in your employees.


In the last year, 64% of consumers have avoided both brick-and-mortar and online retailers due to a bad experience with a particular brand.

(Source: Microsoft)

Engaging customers is a positive experience for any company. It is true, however, that certain practices like irregular updates, not being able to communicate on a customer's preferred platform and other practices tend to put off some customers. They tend to remember these bad experiences for a long time after these bad experiences have occurred.




Companies with above-average customer service perform better financially than their competitors in 73% of cases. (Source: Temkin Group)

It is important for business owners who want their business to perform better in terms of revenues, to ensure that the customer experience their operators build is always above average.


The above-mentioned statistics point out that there are various impacts of customer engagement which can be seen from them. However, when it comes to great revenues, happy employees, and a competitive edge, these are some of the major highlights that you ought to pay attention to.




Customer Engagement in the Future


More than half of marketing professionals in North America looked to increase customer engagement as one of their top objectives when looking for ways to enhance customer service. (Source: eMarketer)

In addition, one of the future customer engagement trends is going to be how marketing professionals plan to focus a lot more attention on enhancing the customer experience.


In the next year, 32% of companies will increase their investments in planning and forecasting technologies, according to a survey conducted by the Enterprise Technology Council. (Source: Microsoft)

In addition, another customer engagement fact shows that companies plan to invest in technologies which will help them to predict and forecast the engagement trends in the future. By doing this, companies will be able to better prepare for upcoming communication challenges and understand the needs of their customers better.


It is evident that the future of customer engagement is bright, especially if companies plan to invest in technologies that will allow them to fully understand their customers' buying patterns. If they engage with the customer when it is appropriate and let them be on their own when it is not, they will be able to better understand when to engage.




The Role of Social Media in Customer Engagement


 Millennials are more likely to use Facebook Messenger than other social networks, as compared to other platforms. (Source: Genesys)

Based on the social media statistics regarding customer engagement, one thing that we can take away is the fact that most millennials are easily found on Facebook. As a result, this is definitely a platform where you should think about including your brand as one of the platforms where you can effectively engage with your customers.


Approximately 75% of people expect a response in less than five minutes to social-generated inquiries. (Source: Oracle)

Social media platforms will allow you to engage with your customers easily as most people spend a lot of time on them. If you engage them, make sure you also answer their questions. If you fail to do so, then they may lose interest completely, and you will lose your chance at engaging them.


There are 18% higher rates of engagement on Thursdays and Fridays than on any other day. (Source: Invespcro)

For example, if you'd like to engage with your customers more actively, you should find out the days or timings during which they'd like to spend time surfing on social media platforms. Using this approach will help you capture a greater number of qualified leads and increase your business.


Facebook posts with fewer than 250 characters receive 60% more engagement. (Source: Invespcro)

To engage more people on your posts, keep them crisp, clear, and short. That way, they'll be able to make a decision more quickly. It leaves you with a great takeaway and a strategy for engaging with your target audience faster with this customer engagement social media statistic.


When your brand tweets more than three times a day, engagement on Twitter decreases. (Source: Invespcro)

It's great to engage with customers regularly. If you bombard them with too many social media posts in a day, they may become annoyed. In addition, they'll probably be forced to silent notifications whenever your brand posts something new.


Conclusion: The above-mentioned customer engagement social media statistics show how crucial it is for brands to use their social media handles effectively.




Engaging customers through Live Chat and Customer Engagement


When it comes to interacting digitally with a company, online chat, and live support is the most preferred channel for 41% of consumers in Europe.

(Source: Statista)

Customers, not just in Europe, but around the world, prefer to communicate via live chat software when it comes to digital engagement. It is a very fast and efficient system, which helps customers get a quicker response to their questions and doubts.


It has been found that 42% of consumers prefer live chat functions over the telephone because they do not have to wait on hold. (Source: Inc)

One reason why customers prefer not to use legacy customer support tools is that they may have to wait or be put on hold. The use of live chat in the market is gaining more and more relevance because of this reason.


The important thing to remember is that engagement is good for business. Although it might not lead to the same results as engaging a customer as quickly as possible would. The benefits of live chat are that it helps you connect with your customers faster and provide instant solutions.




Keeping Customers Engaged & Retaining


It is estimated that marketing professionals in the United States and Europe need to bring in five and seven customers, respectively, in order to equal the revenue of one repeat customer.

(Source: Adobe)


I feel that this customer engagement statistic is a clear indication of what needs to be done to keep our brand in the minds of our customers. To have a customer return to your brand in the future, you will have to get more than five customers before one comes back to you again.


Consumers are more likely to shop with brands who recognize, remember, and suggest relevant offers and recommendations to them, according to 91% of consumers.

(Source: Microsoft)

Using live chat software, you can let your operators know when a customer returns to your site. The tool provides you with the ability to see how many times they have been on a website and when was the last time they interacted with one of your operators.


The takeaway: Retaining customers is not rocket science. It does, however, require you to pay attention and be mindful. It is a good idea to not treat your returning customers as if they were new ones. In such a case, they might feel offended, and they'll most likely look for another alternative on the market to satisfy their needs.




Loyalty & Engagement with Customers


Sixty-one percent of customers (across all sectors) have been with their current provider for more than three years. (Source: Verint)

Keeping in touch with your customers, telling them about the upcoming offers, and keeping them informed about a variety of factors is one of the reasons they stay loyal to your brand.


 96% of customers choose a brand based on its customer service. (Source: Microsoft)

In order to keep customers loyal to your brand, ensure you create the best experience possible.


France and Germany have the highest levels of long-term loyalty, with 72% and 66% of users staying with their current providers for three years or more. (Source: Verint)

Loyalty cannot be earned in a day or two. As the brand progresses toward success, you need to keep existing customers engaged. Customers should not feel left out as the brand advances.


Only 8% of all visitors in the US are returning or repeat buyers, which generate 40% of revenue. (Source: Adobe)

Make sure you have good engagement strategies in place in order to increase the number of returning or repeat customers. You cannot convince them to return to your brand unless you actively engage with them.


Make sure that your business curates the best engagement strategies to convert your customers into loyal ones. In order to engage your customers, you can't just send them an email about an upcoming product update or initiate a chat when they land on an important page. Taking the time to personalize your engagement with the customers is essential in order to actually make them brand loyal.




Engaging customers and providing excellent customer service


17 percent of centers are able to identify problems that have a negative impact on the customer experience. (Source: IBM)

The goal of a customer service center is to identify issues that can have a negative impact on the customer's experience. By doing this, your operators have an easier time dealing with issues that they may face when engaging with customers.


62% of retailers state that they are creating a competitive advantage for their organizations by using data analytics and information (including big data).

(Source: Microsoft)

As soon as a company has a good amount of data at hand, they are able to easily make changes to their marketing and customer engagement strategies within no time at all. 


The bottom line is that customer engagement and service go hand in hand. In light of this, you should know that making changes to your customer service strategy will likely have a spillover effect on your engagement strategy as well, thus making sure that you plan accordingly.




Engaging and interacting with consumers


 According to a survey of 46.5% of organisations published in 2018, employee engagement in customer experience (CX) is reactive and driven by an organization-wide culture framework. As a result of the survey, 29.3% of customers rated an organization's ability to provide good customer service seven out of ten (7/10). (Source: Statista)

The customer experience and employee engagement go hand-in-hand. Moreover, according to Statista, 29.3% of customers agree that they are more likely to engage with a company if they rate its customer experience capability at or above 7/10.


According to the MEA region, employee engagement in customer experience is largely reactive, with only 35.7% (42.4%) of organizations adopting a proactive approach in which employees actively (and even enthusiastically) live the brand as they deliver customer service. (Source: Dimension Data)

Based on the statistics above, it can be concluded that you need to be proactive when you make an effort to build an experience for your customers. So in other words, when your operators engage with your customers, suggest they be proactive rather than reactive. Often, proactive outreach to your customers has a benefit not just to the customer, but also to the company's revenue when done in a proactive way.


 Over half of consumers say the overall experience of using a product or service is one of the most important factors in their decision to purchase.

(Source: Deloitte)

It is a proven fact that customer retention is directly proportional to the quality of the customer experience. Thus, if you engage proactively and provide a great support experience to your customers, you will notice an increase in your sales and brand loyalty.


In a nutshell, this section discusses how great customer engagement experiences can help your organization build customer loyalty.






Any company, no matter which industry they are in, must ensure that they are engaging with their customers. In order to be successful as a business, you need to make your customers happy. With this list, we hope that you will learn something about what makes a business successful. That is because it is a good step forward in making your marketing strategy more customer-oriented. If you would like to know more about how you can engage your users, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to answer any questions you might have!