How to be more productive at work

Are you looking to supercharge your productivity and achieve more in less time? Here are six game-changing tips to help you reach new levels of efficiency and success:

Stop multi-tasking!

It's often tempting to try and multitask, juggling numerous workday tasks at one time. While this may feel productive, it rarely produces the best results. By focusing on just one task at a time, you will complete it to a higher standard and in less time, enabling you to move seamlessly on to the next task.

Set clear goals.

Large tasks or projects can feel intimidating and we often overestimate how long they will take to complete. You can create forward momentum by breaking tasks down into manageable, bite-sized milestones, which you can accomplish one by one until your project is complete.

Take a break!

Regular breaks can help you avoid burnout and increase your focus and motivation. Consider scheduling frequent short breaks of 10 minutes. Use this time to step away from your work, enabling your mind to have a rest and return with renewed motivation and potentially new ideas.

Time blocking.

Using time blocks is an established and well-known productivity strategy. By creating time block frames in your workday schedule, you make the conscious decision to dedicate a block of time to a certain task. Assign fixed time slots for focused work, meetings, breaks, and personal activities. You are more productive, motivated, and focused, than if you were distracted constantly. Time blocks are usually divided into 60 or 90-minute sections, but remember to include buffer time to account for unexpected tasks or interruptions.

Limit distractions.

Becoming distracted is very normal, and focus doesn't always come naturally. However, it is a skill that can be developed. Turn your notifications off, switch your phone to aeroplane mode, or use a productivity app.

Do the hardest thing first.

It can be tempting to avoid difficult or time-consuming tasks and instead focus on quick wins. However, by taking on your most difficult projects first, you can increase your motivation and focus for the rest of the day. Consider prioritising these bigger tasks first in the day, or when you feel most productive.


Remember, productivity is not about working harder, but working smarter. By implementing these tips and tricks, you can optimize your time, energy, and focus to achieve remarkable results.

How to pass the probation period at work

Here are some tips on how to pass the probation period at work:

  1. Understand your job responsibilities: Make sure you have a clear understanding of your job duties and responsibilities. Review your job description and ask your manager or HR if you have any questions.

  2. Set goals and expectations: Set goals for yourself and make sure they align with the company's expectations. Discuss these goals with your manager and ask for feedback regularly.

  3. Communicate effectively: Be open and transparent with your manager about any challenges you may face. Keep them informed of your progress and ask for help when needed. Ask questions when you need to and make sure you are listening actively.

  4. Be punctual and reliable: Show up to work on time and complete your tasks in a timely manner.

  5. Be proactive: Take initiative and go above and beyond your job duties. If you see a problem, come up with a solution and present it to your supervisor.

  6. Be a team player: Work well with your colleagues and support their efforts. Also, be willing to help out where needed. Avoid conflicts and be open to feedback. Building positive relationships with your colleagues can help you succeed in the long term.

  7. Seek feedback: Ask for feedback from your manager and colleagues regularly. Take constructive criticism and use it to improve.

  8. Learn from your mistakes: If you make a mistake, take responsibility for it and learn from it. Don't be afraid to ask for help or guidance.

  9. Be adaptable: Be open to change and be willing to learn new skills. Show that you are flexible and can adapt to different situations.

  10. Show enthusiasm: Be enthusiastic about your job and the company. Show that you are passionate about what you do and that you are committed to the success of the company.

Remember, the probation period is a time for you to prove yourself and show your employer that you are a valuable asset to the team. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of passing the probation period successfully.

And always remember that after you’ve passed the probation, you must be consistent in every aspect detailed above. This is the key to really perform in your job.