Hire dedicated development team

Successful projects require hiring a dedicated development team

We build teams of IT experts who can tackle any type of project and deliver software innovation

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The best provider for dedicated development teams


We are an experienced software development company with the best knowledge and skills to successfully complete any tech project, no matter its complexity. Choose us and hire dedicated development team of experts.

Vast tech talent

Our specialists have a deep understanding of frameworks and programming languages, allowing them to manage your tech project effortlessly. You can find the best IT talent with a tailored approach for your needs.

Fast integration

The dedicated software team we assemble quickly adapts to your business culture and working environment without hassle. You will work with developers who are committed to completing your project successfully.

Cost efficiency

We understand that managing expenses wisely is crucial, especially for large projects with complex requirements. Therefore, we take care of your resources and offer efficient pricing options based on your needs.

When to hire dedicated development team

You manage large-scale projects

Large-scale or long-term projects require a high level of understanding and commitment from your team. As these projects evolve over time, it is essential to hire dedicated team and ensure smooth processes and project success.

Your requirements are evolving

A dedicated software development team offers responsiveness and flexibility, which are crucial for projects with vague or evolving scopes and requirements. This allows you to avoid delays, cost overruns, and achieve success.

You launch new products

In this particular case, a committed team of specialists ensures that the development process aligns with your launch plan and time-to-market goals. This way, you manage any challenges of bringing a new product to the market.

Your internal assets are limited

If you have multiple ongoing projects but not enough expertise, a software development team can be a lifesaver. You can expand your in-house team’s capacity, access specific expertise, and streamline your development process.


“Automating income verification requires establishing trust with the applicant immediately. If they have questions, our success and our brand are entirely dependent on answering their questions clearly, accurately, and immediately. The team at IntelligentBee feels like our team. They staff our front line support, respond as if their personal success depended on it, and do so with the thoroughness and excellence that keeps our customers happy, our success metrics off the charts, and our business expanding.”

Stephen Arifin

Founder, CTO of Payscore


“They are great. The management team is on top of issues and very communitive. When we need more bodies, they are ready with fresh supply and very efficient.”

Ryan Cable

Manager of Client Success at Bravo Store Systems

“As we were looking to expand our support operating window, we had spoken with a few different vendors in locations varying from the North America to Europe. IntelligentBee approached us at the right time where they wanted to understand our business line and operating model to cater to. From the outset, they paid attention, and were able to meet our demands swiftly. Having worked together so far for half a year, they continue to provide the necessary attention, are good at following up, and monitoring the team's progress.”

Michael Tsangaris

Customer Success Manager at Suade

API Platform

“IntelligentBee was instrumental in us becoming a 24/7 support shop. Before, we performed as an on-call service that had some engineers work overnight. Now, that’s no longer needed, which is a success story in my book. Their engineers molded into our culture. IntelligentBee’s passionate for their customers, focusing on their experience and maintaining customer satisfaction. They’ve done an excellent job exuding what’s essential for our organization to our customers.”

Cassie Brown

Head of Technical Support, API Platform

“IntelligentBee is faster than us. They’ve been on time and within budget every time. They have created an environment that makes employees happy to be working for the company. This certainly shows in IntelligentBee’s productivity and ability to be flexible, quick, and high-quality.”

VP of Support and Business Operations, Communication Platform


“We partner with IntelligentBee to both accelerate development efforts and provide global technical support services to our customers. The development solutions they provide are durable, scalable, and deliver results. The technical support they provide allows us to quickly solve or escalate customer problems and drive customer loyalty. They operate as a seamless extension of our domestic team and always produce results.”

Ken Apple

VP of Support and Business Operations, Sendgrid


“The quality of work is very good. Thanks to IntelligentBee efforts, the data translation process has gone successfully. They are communicative and accurate in providing progress updates. Their team has provided project management smoothly.”

Daniel Drangsholt

CFO, Automotive Dealers

“I have been working with IntelligentBee's team since 2020. The team are so easy to work with and very knowledgeable about different approaches for any app development. They provide a lot of guidance to my team, and made many helpful suggestions and recommendations we weren't even thinking about. I love that they were so passionate about our project and they completed each stage on time. I will continue to work with them.”

Ron R.

Founder and Managing Director


“When IntelligentBee took over this project, things began to catch up, even though many teams had worked at Floca! Without the help of IntelligentBee, we could not have launched the version we wanted! Thanks for the wonderful team!”

Ionut Patrascoiu

CEO Floca

Carnegie Technologies

“IntelligentBee has been a really great company to work with. Their development team is staffed with some really excellent technical folks, and we’ve had great success giving them big challenges and watching them come up with good solutions in a reasonable amount of time. We’ve even had them come in to improve the work of other development teams, which they’ve always done with good enthusiasm and great effect. They are also very responsive to our needs, and quick to dive in and help out. I’m very thankful for our partnership with IntelligentBee, and I am happy to have them on the team.”

Nicholas Armstrong

Director of Software at Carnegie Technologies


“IntelligentBee did an excellent job in working with our team and it was quite a surprise for us to see the festival app ready within 4 weeks. They were always on time and responsive to our needs and ideas. Surely we’ll continue to develop and expand the app alongside IntelligentBee.”

Vasile Biber

CTO Afterhills

How to hire dedicated development team easily

Though it can be complex, the process becomes smoother if you clearly define your development needs. Identify the roles and skills required to complete your project, then search for vendors with experience in your industry and similar projects. Then, send a document to your vendor detailing your project requirements, timeline, budget, and other essential information.

As a reliable company with extensive experience, we offer top-class software engineers who can adapt to any project and complete it successfully. You can rigorously evaluate their capabilities and select the ones who best fit your company. Once onboarded, your software development team will immediately begin working on your project. You’ll find that it’s just like organizing your in-house team, but without the burden.

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How we assemble a dedicated software development team


It is important to define the project’s scope, so we understand exactly what it aims to achieve. We determine objectives, the resources needed, estimate the budget, and set a timeline for completion.


We conduct interviews, assess IT and soft skills, and evaluate other abilities to hire dedicated software developers suitable for you. You can provide feedback and request more options to meet your needs.


Once the recruitment process is complete, we define the roles and responsibilities of each team member, outline prototypes and documents, and decide on solutions. Then, the team can begin their activities.


To ensure each member fulfills their role, we monitor performance using different KPIs and analyze the results. We help improve their work, motivate them, and establish a friendly working environment.

Advantages of IntelligentBee dedicated development teams

Constant tech support

We provide specialized support throughout the development process, ensuring our clients are aware of every improvement we make. Your team of software engineers will be well-prepared to face challenges and deliver scalable solutions.

Effective processes

Extending your development team can be stressful, but we are committed to providing a smooth recruitment, hiring, and onboarding process. This way, you will focus on your core competences while we manage your project effectively.

Commitment to quality

No matter how complex your project is, your dedicated software development team will meet your requirements and needs, ensuring successful project completion. We focus on delivering quality solutions and embracing digital changes.

Security and risk management

For our company, it is mandatory to protect your project and development process. We monitor and mitigate risks as they arise, following the essential principles of digital security to avoid data leakage and unauthorized access.

Unleash Your Business Potential Today!

Leave your tech burdens on us

Are you struggling to navigate today’s competitive digital world? Do you want to complete a large-scale project on time and achieve unparalleled efficiency? IntelligentBee has you covered!

As the modern world evolves and markets become more demanding, companies are turning to experts who work solely on specific projects. If you hire a team of dedicated software developers, you gain access to specific expertise and streamline your software development process, even as requirements change.

IntelligentBee recognizes the effectiveness of this type of team, which is why we provide our clients with the best IT professionals in the industry. We manage every step of the project and align our skills and efforts with your business objectives. This is the best way to maximize your potential, streamline your business operations, and achieve results that can transform your business future.

Hire dedicated development team

Embrace the flexibility, effectiveness, and commitment of our tech professionals

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Benefits of hiring a dedicated development team



Avoid administrative burdens and scale your team up or down effortlessly based on project demands.


Relevant expertise

Bring specialized skills and knowledge to your team to ensure the successful completion of your project.


Faster time to market

Launch your product faster and allow your customers to enjoy innovative software solutions.


Effective communication

Promote transparency, seamless interaction, and constant feedback among team members.


Optimized development process

Discover the best ways to gather, organize, and use specialized knowledge and skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

01. What is a dedicated software development team?

It is a group of skilled specialists contracted by an external company and assigned to work on a single tech project for an extended period of time. This software development approach provides access to specialized expertise and eliminates the need for internal hiring.

02. How is a dedicated development team structured?

The experts assigned are precisely selected to meet the requirements of a speficic project. You can find front-end and back-end developers, UI/UX designers, QA engineers, and project managers. Additionally, you can assign DevOps engineers or security testers if you manage a large project.

03. What cost factors do you need to consider if you want to hire dedicated development team?

One of the factors that could affect this cost is geographical location. Rates are different between countries due to living costs, economic factors, or supply and demand. Another factor is the level of expertise because some developers charge higher rates than others. We may also consider the complexity and scope of your project, as well as the length of time you need committed developers.

04. Should I hire dedicated team or an in-house team of developers?

Hiring a team for a specific project is better than assigning an in-house team if you don’t want to deal with administrative tasks and focus on important business areas. However, you don’t have that much control over it. They are more flexible than in-house teams but require more time and effort to integrate into your company.

05. What are the disadvantages of hiring a software development team?

You may face time-zone differences, linguistic and cultural obstacles, and unpredictable costs. Sure, you can choose to hire development team with excellent communication skills and highly adaptable to different cultures, but there will always be certain situations when team members are not compatible with one another.

06. Can you customize a dedicated software team?

Yes, you can customize and adjust the team according to your development needs. You can adjust the team size and skills to fit a particular project to make it work. This way, you focus your budget on other important parts of the software development process. When you have more funds, you can invest more in your project to meet new demands.

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