Let’s work together

When you join IntelligentBee you discover that working doesn’t have to be boring. We believe that every individual is unique and we encourage them to rediscover their awesome super-powers!

Unique experiences from our candidates

Don’t just belive us, read what our candidates have to say about our hiring process

Choose IntelligentBee if you want to see how respect looks like!

The work is easy and time goes by fast and the pay is great. The managers are very helpful and they keep safely a priority. The workplace is very cultural and people are nice and friendly.

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Friendly environment and people!

Because everything looks perfect, the people are very kind and the atmosphere is very comfy!

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A wonderful place to work! Amazing Culture!

I've been in the workforce for 12+ years and held many different jobs. By far this is a company close to my heart, where culture is not just a set of buzzwords. I've been at Intelligentbee for 6 years and don't intend to leave anytime soon. I hope to still be here in 20 years!

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Great place, awesome equipment, latest tech and lots of autonomy!

At IntelligentBee I have found a friendly working environment and a continuous interest in employee welfare. Evolution opportunities are provided when they emerge; they invest in people and they emphasize both respect and common sense.

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După 15 minute mi-au dispărut emoțiile și m-am simtit ca acasa

Consider că merită să lucrezi in aceasta companie deoarece toti angajatii sunt tineri si te fac sa te simti ca stai cu prietenii, nu cu colegii de munca si este un job in care poti evolua si invata cat mai multe.

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O experienta benefica si probabil singurul angajator unde m-am simtit cu adevarat respectat!

IntelligentBee este un loc deosebit unde ai ocazia sa-ti faci o groaza de prieteni cu care ai sansa sa muncesti apoi cot la cot. Ceea ce este admirabil este faptul ca oamenii cu o bogata experienta in campul muncii sunt dispusi sa faca share de knowledge new starterilor; nu exista "aere de superioritate" si toata lumea se focuseaza pe ceea ce urmeaza a fi livrat, barfele si rautatile nefacand parte din peisaj! Esti mereu incurajat sa inveti si sa te dezvolti, iar in cazul in care "ai calcat pe bec", ti se explica elegant si cu zambetul pe buze ceea ce ai de facut pentru a nu repeta greseala.

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Great place to work!

They have a great company culture (the 4H-happy, humble, honest, hungry), great benefits, people are very friendly and eager to help in need, a great work/life balance, flexible schedules (as long as you get your work completed), work remotely. Work culture allows for innovation and grow yourself both professionally and personally. Management willing to listen and implement new ideas. In one month at IntelligentBee i have learnt more that in 6 months in my previous workplace. The company is always trying to improve and continue to grow. The Manager and the team leaders really empower you to learn and take charge of what you want to do. There are opportunities for you to take projects and be involved in the area of your interest. Overall great atmosphere.

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Nice company to work for

Preocupare constanta pentru angajat, preocupare pentru a creste calitatea livrata, evaluare constanta a situatiei firmei, recunoasterea esecurilor, transparenta si preocupare pentru a imbunatati ce nu merge, preocupare pentru a face public succesele si de a valoriza pe cei responsabili, evenimente pentru angajati - teambuilding, Christmas party, Game nights, ziua firmei, no reason events :), pancakes friday etc., tennis table, fussball, playstation, hamac.

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Nice place

In primul rand...numele companiei mi se pare genial- smart si funny in acelasi timp. Cei 4 H - as putea spune ca ma regasesc in aceste principii. M-am simtit foarte comfortabil si relaxata sa vorbesc liber la interviu...nu m-am simtit deloc intimidata, cum am mai patit la alte interviuri.

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Join our team!

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Human Resources Generalist

HR Generalist needed to rock our People Department.

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Backend developer

Seeking a talented back-end developer to join our growing team.

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Frontend Developer

Ready to make an impact? Join our team as a front-end developer and redefine user experiences.

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QA Tester Engineer

Seeking a meticulous QA Tester Engineer to join us in shaping exceptional user experiences!

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IT Support Specialist

Seeking a tech-savvy IT Support Specialist to elevate our team dynamics with expertise.

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DATA ENTRY ANALYST (with english and italian)

Parli italiano e hai una passione per l'accuratezza dei dati, l'organizzazione e l'efficienza e possiedi le competenze e l'esperienza necessarie? Abbiamo il lavoro perro perfetto con inglese e italiano.

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2x Middle PHP developer - Symfony/Laravel - remote

We are looking for Middle PHP Developers (Symfony/Laravel) who are proactive, full of courage to innovate and take on new challenges.

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Way of Working, Way of Life.

IntelligentBee team

Way of Working, Way of Life.

Why work at IntelligentBee? Because we are a people driven company. We value and encourage the dedication and the continuous development of our employees. Our teams are our best asset, they are professionals, fueled by joint effort and a great set of values. Whenever you need help - you know you can find someone there to help you. Together, we are making IntelligentBee the best workplace!

From the moment you enter, you know IntelligentBee is the place to be. Our values represents everything you want at your workplace. Who doesn’t want to work in a place where everyone treats you like their own family? Let's meet and see for yourself.